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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 1060   View pdf image (33K)
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timore City, a body corporate, being recorded among the Land
Records of Baltimore City, in Liber S. C. L. No. 3637, folio

(35) To the sale of property from Chas. W. Enright and
Minnie L. Enright, his wife, to St. Paul's Evangelical Luth-
eran Church of Baltimore City, a body corporate, said deed
being recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore City, in
Liber JSTo. 3594, folio 542.

(36) To the sale of property from Edw. H. Burrows and
wife to the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Atonement, of Bal-
timore City, a body corporate, said deed being recorded among
the Land Records of Baltimore City, in Liber S. C. L. !N"o.
3606, folio 354.

(37) To the bequest of Duane Hosea Rice in his will, dated
May 17th, 1921, to the Church of Our Father, Universalist,
in the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars.

(38) To a deed from John H. Elliott, Trustee, to Wo-Ho-
Mis Lodge of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Incorporated,
dated June 13th, 1921, and recorded among the Land Records
of Baltimore City, in Liber S. C. L. No. 3750, folio 173.

(39) To a certain gift, grant and deed made by Emilie
Momenthy for the use and benefit of the Lafayette Square Pres-
byterian Church of Baltimore City, a religious corporation
and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore City, in
Liber S. C. L. No. 3637, folio 443.

(40) To the sale, grant and conveyance to the Trustees of
Wilkens Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church South, in the
City of Baltimore, a body corporate, of the leasehold interest
in four certain lots of ground and the improvements thereon
in the City of Baltimore, viz: two lots by Bertha C. Welsh,
one lot by Emma J. Funck and one lot by Emma J. Funck and
Etta H. Maddux, viz:

(a) Deed of Bertha C. Welsh, dated November 5, 1921, and
recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore Citv, in Liber
S. C. L. No. 3799, folio 31;

(b) Deed of Emma J. Funck, dated November 14, 1921,
and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore City, in
Liber S. C. L. >sTo. 3799, folio 307;

(e) Deed of Emma J. Funck and Etta H. Maddux, dated
November 14th, 1921, and recorded among the Land Records
of the Citv of Baltimore, in Liber S. C. L. Xo. 3799, folio 308


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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 1060   View pdf image (33K)
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