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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 1059   View pdf image (33K)
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Josephine Bush, late of Carroll County, deceased, and recorded
in Liber W. A. Xo. 12, folio 266, one of the books in the office
of Register of Wills of Carroll County, Maryland.

(32) To the bequest contained in the last will and testament
of Agnes M. Shreeve, late of Westminster, Carroll County,
Maryland, dated June 15th, A. D. 1915, and recorded in Liber
W. A. ?STO. 12, folio 320, in the office of Register of Wills of
Carroll County, Maryland, as follows:

(a) To the Home of the Aged of the Methodist Protestant
Church of Baltimore City, of all the balance of the furniture
of said deceased, to be applied to the aged peoples home, at
Westminster, Maryland, appraised at $57.35 and also the sum
of one hundred dollars to be paid into the treasury for the use
of said corporation and home aforesaid;

(b) To the Westminster Cemetery Company, a body cor-
porate, the sum of fifty dollars, to be held and invested, the
income received therefrom to be applied in the keeping clean
the Shreeve lot in said cemetery;

(e) To the bequest of three hundred dollars unto the Trus-
tees of the Methodist Protestant Church of the Citv of West-


minster, Maryland, to be invested and the income received
therefrom to be applied towards the payment of the salary of
the Pastor of said church;

(d) To the bequest of the sum of one hundred dollars, unto
the Board of Governors of the Westminster Theological Semi-
nary of the Methodist Protestant Church at Westminster, Car-
roll County, Maryland;

(e) And to the bequest of all the rest, residue or balance of
the estate of said deceased, unto the Trustees of the Methodist
Protestant Church of Westminster, Maryland, being the sum
of one hundred and ninety-eight dollars and sixty-six cents, the
same to be kept invested, the income therefrom to be applied
by said trustees towards the salary of the pastor of said church.

(33) To the bequest of two hundred dollars to the trustees
of Saint Benjamins Reformed Church, near Westminster, Car-
roll County, Maryland, in the last will and testament of Wil-
liam Henry Koontz, late of Carroll County, Maryland, said
will recorded among the books- of Wills in the office of the Reg-
ister of Wills, in Liber W. A. No. 12, folio 324.

(34) To the sale and conveyance of a lot of land from John
C. Polster to St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church of Bal-


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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 1059   View pdf image (33K)
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