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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 1058   View pdf image (33K)
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]S\). 3826; from the Trustees of Bethany Methodist Protestant
Church, dated December 1st, 1910, and recorded among said
Land Records, in Liber S. C. L. ^o. 2624, folio 172, and an-
other deed from the same grantor, dated June 9th, 1921, and
recorded among said Land Records on February 14th, 1922;
from James Keelty, dated August 5th, 1921, and recorded
among; said Land Records, in Liber S. C. L. No. 3767, folio

(b) To the following grants and deeds of lots of ground
situate in Baltimore City to the Trustees of Bethany Method-
ist Protestant Church, a body corporate of the State of Mary-
land, from John L. Ostheim and wife, dated JSTovember 30th,
1910, and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore
City, in Liber S. C. L. No. 2624, folio 171; from Henry
Sellier, dated October 26th, 1921, and recorded among said
Land Records, in Liber S. C. L. JN"o. 3092, folio 417;

(e) To the deed and grant to the Trustees of Laura ville
Methodist Protestant Church, a body corporate of the State of
Maryland, from Edward H. Apsley, Incorporated, dated March
31st, 1921, and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore
City, in Liber S. C. L. No. 3718, folio 273;

(d) To the acquisition and holding by the Trustees of Trin-
ity Methodist Protestant Church, a body corporate of the State
of Maryland, of a lot of ground in the City of Baltimore on
the north side of Forty-second Street whenever the same shall
hereafter be acquired under a conveyance thereof from John
Peters, and to such deed or conveyance thereof when duly
executed and recorded.

(30) To the bequest made by and contained in the last will
and testament of Annie Maslin Smith, late of Somerset Coun-
ty, recorded among the Tesitamentary Records of said county,
in Liber L. R. No. 32, folio 179, of one hundred dollars to the
Committee of the Presbyterian Church at Manokin, in Prin-
cess Anne, Maryland, in trust, to invest the same and to use the
income and profits therefrom to maintain, improve and keep in
good order and repair the burial lot wherein the remains of
her late husband, Frank T. Smith are buried, located in the
Church Yard of the Presbyterian Church, in Princess Anne,

(31) To the bequest of one hundred dollars to the Trustees
of the Methodist Protestant Church at Finksburg, Carroll
County, Maryland, contained in the last will and testament of


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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 1058   View pdf image (33K)
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