posited in bank and the interest therefrom is to be used to keep
in repair my burying ground in Grace Reformed Cemetery,
Taneytown, Maryland.
(20) To the following conveyances and deeds to and from
certain persons and body corporate to and for the use of cer-
tain religious corporations as hereinafter set forth:
(a) To the deed from The Frank Novak Realty Company
to the Lutheran Church Extension Society of Baltimore City,
dated March 19th, 1920, and recorded among the Land Rec-
ords of Baltimore City in Liber S. C. L. Ko. 3547, folio 422;
(b) To the deed from The Frank ]N"ovak Realty Company
to the Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Ascension of the
United Lutheran Church in America of Baltimore City, dated
January 18, 1922, and recorded among the Land Records of
Baltimore City in Liber S. C. L. ^o. 3818, folio 503;
(e) To the deeds from the Baltimore City Missionary and
Church Extension Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church
to the Trustees of the Howard Park Methodist Episcopal
Church, in Baltimore County, Maryland, dated December 24,
1919, and August 23, 1920, and recorded respectively among
the Land Records of Baltimore Citv, in Liber S. C. L. No.
3505, folio 511 S. C. L. Xo/3660, folio 280;
(d) To the deed from John C. Paterson, Mary M. Paterson
and George A. Thompson to the Trustees of the Waverly
Methodist Episcopal Church of Baltimore County, dated June
30th, 1921, and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore
City in Liber S. C. L. K"o. 3762, folio 316;
(V) To the deed from John E. Stoll and Medora A. Stoll to
the Trustees of the Waverly Methodist Episcopal Church of
Baltimore County, dated July 26th, 1921, and recorded among
the Land Records of Baltimore City in Liber S. C. L. !N"o.
3762, folio 314;
(f) To the deed from Charles Weis to German Evangelical
Lutheran St. Paul's Congregation of the Unaltered Augsburg
Confession of Baltimore City, dated July 29th, 1913, and re-
corded amonff the Land Records of Baltimore City in Liber
S. C. L. Xo/2836, folio 19;
(g^ To the deed from William J. Sauter, Trustee to Ger-
man Evangelical Lutheran St. Paul's Congregation of the Un-
altered Augsburg Confession of Baltimore City, dated August
30th, 1913, and recorded among the Land Records of Balti-
more City in Liber S. C. L. !NTo. 2842, folio 364;