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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 1054   View pdf image (33K)
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(d) To the Little Sisters of the Poor, the sum of five thou-
sand dollars.

(15) To the sale and conveyance of Henry Gable and Annie
Gable, to the Trustees of the Lakeland Presbyterian Church of
Baltimore City, a religious corporation, of a lot of ground and
improvements thereon described in a deed, recorded June 25,
1919, among the Land Records of Baltimore City in Liber S.
C. L. tfo. 3397, folio 30.

(16 j To the gift and grant of certain deeds to the Associated
Professors of Loyola College in the City of Baltimore, as fol-
lows :

(a) To the deed of Walter H. Buck and wife, dated July
12th, 1921, and recorded in S. C. L. No. 3780, folio 318, one
of the Land Records of Baltimore City;

(b) To the deed of John W. Garrett et al., dated Novem-
ber 1st, 1921, and recorded in Liber S. C. L. No. 3796, folio
513, one of the Land Records of Baltimore City;

(e) To the deed of John W. Garrett and wife, dated Xo-
vember 1st, 1921, and recorded in Liber S. C. L. Xo. 3796,
folio 517, one of the Land Records of Baltimore City.

(17) To the bequest of ten shares of preferred stock of
O'^eill & Co. by Reverend Thomas J. Wilson, dated April 19,
1920, to the Most Reverend James Gibbons, Roman Catholic
Archbishop of Baltimore, and recorded in the office of the Reg-
ister of Wills of Baltimore City in Liber H. W. J. No. 136,
folio 41.

(18) To the gift and bequest to the Saint Vincent de Paul
Society as contained in the last will and testament of Dr.
Charles S. Grindall, probated February 18th, 1920, and re-
corded in Liber H. W. J. K~o. 134, folio 170, one of the records
of the Register of Wills of Baltimore City.

(19) To the bequests contained in the last will and testa-
ment of Hannah S. Hecht, late of Carroll County, Maryland,
deceased, said will being dated the third day of April, 1913,
and duly admitted to probate by the Orphans' Court of Carroll
County on the seventh day of September, 1920, to wit:

(a) Two hundred dollars to the Trustees of Grace Reformed
Taneytown Church, or their successors, to be used in paying
the church debt;

(b) Two hundred dollars to the Trustees of Grace Reformed
Cemetery, Taneytown, Maryland, or their successors, to be de-


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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 1054   View pdf image (33K)
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