1056 LAWS or MARYLAND. [CH. 475
(h) To the deed from the Baltimore Deaconess* Home of
the Methodist Episcopal Church of Baltimore City to Balti-
more City Missionary and Church Extension Society of the
Methodist Episcopal Church, dated December 31, 1920, and
recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore City in Liber
S. C. L. ^"c. 3687, folio 583;
(i) To the deed from Martha W. Gisriel and \Yilliam Gis^
riel, her husband, to Don S. Colt, trustee, dated December 29,
19IT, and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore City
in Liber S. C. L. No. 3183, folio 122.
(21) To the bequest of James McLaren, late of Baltimore
City, deceased of nine thousand dollars to Joel Brown, C. Her-
bert Richardson, H. Paul Pardew and J. Henry Baker in trust
for Cora C. McLaren for life with remainder to the Board of
Foreign Missions of the Methodist Episcopal Church, a body
corporate of the State of Xew York, the Board of Home Mis-
sions and Church Extension of the Methodist Episcopal Church,
a body corporate of the State of Pennsylvania and the Balti-
more City Missionary and Church Extension Society of the
Methodist Episcopal Church, a body corporate of the State of
Maryland, dated May 27th. 1921, and recorded in the office of
the Register of Wills of Baltimore in Wills Liber H. W. J.
:NTo. 138, folio 489.
(22) To the sale and conveyance of a parcel or parcels of
land on the west side of ^N"orth Somerset Avenue, in the City of
Crisfield, Maryland, from George I. Hallowell and E. Evelyn
Hallowell, his wife, to the Vestrymen of Saint Bartholomew's
Parish of Somerset County,, for a consideration of forty-five
hundred dollars, the deed being dated May 4, 1921, and re-
corded among the Land Records of Somerset County.
(23) To a deed from J. Clinton Mewshaw to The Baltimore
City Missionary and Church Extension Society of the Method-
ist Episcopal Church, dated July 26th, 1920, and recorded
among the Land Records of Anne Arundel County on July
28th, 1920, in Liber W. N". W., No. 32, folio 459.
(24) To the gift, devise and bequest of David H. Carroll,
late of Baltimore City, deceased, to the Trustees of Mount
Vernon Methodist Episcopal Church of the City of Baltimore,
a religious corporation, dated September 26, 1907, and record-
ed in the office of the Register of Wills of Baltimore City, in
Liber H. W. J. Xo. 114, folio 194.