(d) A deed from David Harlan, Trustee, to Herbert Har-
lan and others, Trustees, dated July 23rd, 1887, and recorded
among the Land Records in Liber A. L. J. ~No. 59, folio 258;
(e) A deed from Herbert Harlan and others, Trustees, be-
ing the grantees of the last above mentioned deed, and from the
same individually with their respective wives, as heirs of the
late David Harlan, to the Vestry of Churchville Parish, in
Harford County, conveying full legal title to the said six and
a half acres of land, which deed is dated June 24th, 1921, and
recorded among the Land Records aforesaid in Liber J. A. R.
^s"o. 173, folio 347, and to the holding and disposal of any or
all of said land by said Vestry of Churchville Parish, a, body
(12) To the gift, grant and devise made by Mamie E.
Caskie for the use and benefit of the Trustees of Grace and
Hope Mission, Incorporated, of Baltimore City, a religious
corporation, of a lot of land recorded among the Land Records
of Baltimore City in Liber S. C. L. No. 372, folio 284.
(13) To the devise and bequest under the will of Char-
lotte R. Smith to the legacy of one thousand dollars to the
Vestry of Saint Paul's Parish in Baltimore County, probated
in the Office of the Register of Wills of Baltimore City in
1920. The residuary devise and bequest under the will of
Edward L. Raborg, whose will was duly probate in the Office
of the Register of Wills of Baltimore City in 1920, the said
residuary devise and bequest being held in trust for a period
of years by Edward ~N. Rich and Charles S. Rich, Trustees:
part of the property to be applied to the benefit of Saint
Paul's Chapel, on Columbia Avenue, in the City of Balti-
more, by the said Vestry of Saint Paul's Parish, the said rest
and residue of said estate, approximating in value the sum of
seventy thousand dollars, in both real and personal property.
(14) To the bequest of Nicholas Lee Goldsborough in his last
will and testament, probated July 25th, 1921, and recorded in
Liber H. W. J. No. 138, folio 381, of the Register of Wills of
Baltimore City, as follows:
(a) To the Associated Professors of Loyola College of the
City of Baltimore, the sum of ten thousand dollars:
(b) To the Saint \rincent de Paul Societv of Baltimore
City, the sum of ten thousand dollars;
(e) To the Sisters of Bon Secours for the care of the sick
for Baltimore City, the sum of ten thousand dollars;