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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 1052   View pdf image (33K)
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1052 LAWS or MARY-LAND. [CH. 475

deceased, to and for the use and benefit of certain religious cor-
porations as follows:

(a) To the legacy of twenty thousand dollars to the Vestry
of the Church of the Messiah, Baltimore, Maryland, dated
August 6th, 1912, and probated in the Orphans' Court for
Baltimore Countv June 13th, 1917:

t/ / /

(b) To the legacy of ten thousand dollars to the Convention
of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Mary-
land; the income to be used for the payment of the salary of
the Rector of St. John's Church, Western Run Parish, Balti-
more County, from time to time, dated August 6, 1912, and
probated in the Orphans' Court for Baltimore County June
13th, 1917.

(10) To the gift and bequest contained in the last will and
testament of Marie Conrad Lehr, late of Baltimore County,
deceased, to the Vestry of Emmanuel Church of Baltimore,
Maryland, to the legacy of one hundred and twenty-five thou-
sand dollars and to the additional legacy of six thousand dol-
lars to the said Vestry to cover insurance, candles, Easter and
Christmas flowers, incidental expenses and repairs to Chapel
of Peace, dated January 22nd, 1921, and probated iin the
Orphans' Court of Baltimore County.

(11) To the sale and conveyance of a lot of land to the Ves-
try of Churchville Parish, in Harford County, a body corpor-
ate, or for the use and benefit of the Protestant Episcopal
Church of the Holy Trinity in said Parish, of six and a half
acres of land in Harford County, or of parts or parcels thereof,
or of interest therein evidenced by the five following deeds,


(a) A deed from Henry S. Harlan to David Harlan, trus-
tee, recorded among the Land Records of Harford County in
Liber A. L. J. No. 27, folio 109, dated April llth, 1872;

(b) A deed from David Harlan and wife to P. Hall Lee
and others, Vestrymen of Churchville Parish in Harford Coun-
ty, said deed is dated the 26th day of April, in the year 1872,
and recorded among the Land Records of said Harford County
in Liber A. L. J. tfo. 27, folio 110;

(e) A deed from David Harlan, Trustee, to J. E. Mechem
and others, Vestrymen of Churchville Parish in Harford Coun-
ty, dated January Vth, 1879, and recorded among the Land
Records aforesaid in Liber A. L. J. !N"o. 37, folio 44;


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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 1052   View pdf image (33K)
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