situate in Allegany County, Maryland, said bequest being filed
and recorded with the Register of Wills of Allegany County on
January 24, 1919.
t/ 7
(5) To the devise and bequest of Mary R. Lake, deceased,
of the residum of her estate to The Corporation of the Sisters
of Mercy, St. Mary's Home for the Aged, at "West Hartford,
in the State of Connecticut, dated October 19th, 1911, and re-
corded among the Will Records in the office of the Register of
Wills of Carroll County in Liber W. A., No. 12, folio 352, etc.
(6) To the devise contained in the last will and testament
of Henry Augustus Little, late of Frederick County, Mary-
land, deceased, to the Trustees of the Church of the Brethren,
"New Side," at Beaver Dam, in Frederick County, Maryland,
the sum of four hundred dollars and recorded among the Will
Records of Frederick County in Liber S. D. T. !S!"o. 2, folio
(7) To the sale and conveyance of certain property to the
Trustees of the Emmanuel English Evangelical Lutheran
Church of Baltimore:
(a) Sale of a parcel of land from the Canton Company of
Baltimore, the deed for same being dated March 12, 1906, and
recorded in Liber R, O. No. 2216, folio 413;
(b) Sale of a parcel of land from the Canton Company of
Baltimore, the deed for same being dated June 18th, 1906, and
recorded in Liber R, O. No. 2248, folio 490;
(e) Assignment from Albert Faber and wife, dated August
16th, 1916, and recorded in Liber S. C. L. No. 3070, folio
(d) Sale of a parcel of land from Annie Y. Sanner, the
deed for same being dated June 21, 1920, and recorded in Liber
S. C. L. No. 3607, folio 335;
(e) Sale of a parcel of land from George C. Braum and
wife, the deed for same being dated October 27, 1921, and re-
corded in Liber S. C. L. No. 3794, folio 97.
(8) To the devise and bequest contained in the last will and
testament of Edward L. Raborg, late of Baltimore City, State
of Maryland, deceased, to and for the use and benefit of the
Vestry of St. Paul's Parish, in Baltimore County, and record-
ed in the office of the Register of Wills for Baltimore Citv in
Liber H. W. J. "No. 135, folio 27.
(9) To the gift and bequest contained in the last will and
testament of Sallie H. Conrad, late of the State of Maryland,