1050 ' LAWS OF MARYLAND. [CH. 475
contained in the last wills and testaments of certain persons,
deceased, and also to certain gifts, grants, sales, leases, and
deeds made by various persons to and for the use and benefit
of sundry ministerial persons, religious corporations, ves-
tries, educational and charitable institutions, churches, de-
nominations or sects hereinafter named.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Nary-
land, That the sanction and consent of said General Assembly
of Maryland be and the same is hereby declared, given and
granted to the following gifts, bequests, devises, grants, sales,
leases, conveyances and deeds, to and from certain persons and
bodies corporate to and for the use of certain ministerial per-
sons, religious and educational corporations, orders, denomina-
tions and sects, and to certain charitable institutions herein-
after named and as herein set forth:
(1) To the gift, grant and deed of a certain tract of land in
the City of Baltimore, by Julian LeRoy White and wife, to
the Home of All Saints Sisters of the Poor of Baltimore City,
dated the fourth day of September, A. D. 1920, and duly re-
corded in Deed Book S. C. L. No. 3681, folio 79, et seq. in the
Record Office of Baltimore Citv.
(2) To the bequest contained in the will of Lucy B. Worth-
ington of the sum of thirty-five hundred dollars to the Conven-
tion of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the diocese of Wash-
(3) To the deed and conveyance of a lot of land from Mary
E. T. Sanner, to the Trustees of Hopkins Methodist Episcopal
Church in Howard County, Maryland, a body corporate, by
deed dated the twentieth day of December, 1920, and recorded
among the Land Records of said Howard County in Liber H.
B. N". "No. Ill, folio 422, etc., and to the conveyance of said
land by the said The Trustee? of Hopkins Methodist Episcopal
Church in Howard County, Maryland, a body corporate, and
the Trustees of Locust Methodist Episcopal Church in Howard
County, Maryland, a body corporate and the said Mary E. T.
Sanner, to Frances M. Handley, by deed dated the thirty-first
day of December, 1921, and duly recorded among said Land
(4) To the devise and bequest of Mary A. C. Bevans, late
of the District of Columbia, to the Commissariat of the Holy
Land, Mount Saint Sepulchre, Washington, D. C., of her estate