said counties so jointly acting. The Mayor and City Council
of Baltimore and the several boards of school commissioners
for the counties may also provide for the confinement, main-
tenance and instruction of such habituallv truant children in
the schools respectively established by them as aforesaid, for
such period and under such rules and regulations as they may
have respectively prescribed. The magistrate for juvenile causes
or justice of the peace having jurisdiction may commit such
habitually truant children to any of the parental schools for
the city or county in which such children may reside, but no
person convicted of any crime or any offense other than truancy
shall be committed to any of such schools.
159. It shall be the duty of the Police Commis-
sioner of Baltimore City, between the tenth and thirtieth
day of November in each year, to cause a census, as nearly as
possible accurate, to be made by members of the force
under his command, of every child from five to eight-
teen years of age, inclusive, resident in said the city. The
said Police Commissioner shall, for the purpose of
taking said census divide the city into such posts, • dis-
tricts, or other sub-divisions as he shall determine. The
said census shall give the full name, address, age, color, sex,
and place of birth of each child, the school attended, or if not
at school, his employment or that he is not employed, and the
place of birth of each parent of said child, and the full and
complete records of said census shall be furnished by said Police
Commissioner to the Board of School Commissioners
of Baltimore City on or before the tenth day of
December in each and every year. Whosoever has under his
control a child between said ages and withholds the information
in his possesson from any office demanding it relating to the
items aforesaid, or makes any false statement in regard to the
same, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and be fined not
more than twenty dollars.
SEC. 2. And ~be it further enacted, that this Act shall take
effect June 1st, 1922.
Approved April 13th, 1922.
AN ACT to declare the sanction and consent of the General
Assembly of Maryland to sundry gifts, bequests and devises