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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 1048   View pdf image (33K)
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as to render its instruction as above described inexpedient or
impracticable. Every person having under his control a child
between seven and fourteen year of age shall cause
such child to attend school or receive instruction as required
by this section children over fourteen years of age and under
the age of sixteen years; and every person having under his
control such a child shall be subject to the requirements of this
section, unless children are regularly and lawfully employed
to labor at home or elsewhere.

157. It shall be the duty of each attendance officer, and said
officer shall have full power, within the city or county for
which he or she may be appointed, to arrest without warrant
any child between seven and sixteen years of age found
away from his home, and who is a truant from school, or WAO
fails to attend school in accordance with the provisions of this
sub-title. The said officer shall forthwith deliver a child so
arrested either to the custody of a person in parental relation
to the child or to the teacher from whose school such a child is
then a truant; but if a child be a habitual or incorrigible
truant he shall bring him before the Magistrate for juvenile
causes, or in a county where such Court does not exist, before
a justice of the peace having jurisdiction, who may commit him
to a parental school, as provided for in the next section or to
some other suitable institution for children located in the State
of Maryland; where no persons convicted of any crime of any
offense other than truancy shall or may be confined; provided,
however, that such justice may in his discretion parole such
child instead of committing him as aforesaid. The attendance
officer shall promptly report every such arrest to the school
commissioners of the said city or county, respectively, or to
such person or persons as they may direct.

158. The Mayor and City Council of Baltimore and the
several boards of school commissioners for the counties may
establish schools to be known as parental schools for children
between seven and sixteen years of age, who are habitual
truants from school or from instruction; the Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore may in its discretion establish such school
or schools either in Baltimore Citv or in one or more counties


of the State. Two or more boards of school commissioners of
adjoining counties may in their discretion jointly establish a
parental school or schools for the joint use of the said counties,
and said school or schools mav be established in any one of the


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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 1048   View pdf image (33K)
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