C H A P.
counties, has been swept away by 'the late extraordinary floods of water, to the great injury of the
public : And whereas the levy courts, by the existing laws of this state, are not vested with suffici-
ent powers to levy in any one year a sum of money sufficient to build a substantial and permanent
bridge at said place; therefore,
Justices to levy
money, &c.
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the justices of the levy courts of
Kent county and of Queen-Anne's county are hereby authorised and empowered to assess and levy a
sum, not exceeding five hundred dollars, on the assessable property in their respective counties, at
the time of laying their next county rates, together with the commission for collecting the same,
Which said assessment shall be made, levied, collected and paid, to the commissioners appointed by
this act, or to their order, as soon as the same shall become payable by law, and in case the collector-
shall refuse or neglect to pay the same, the said commissioners shall have the same remedy for reco-
vering the same as is prescribed by the act, entitled, An act for the speedy recovery of monies levi-
ed or received by sheriffs and collectors, passed November session, seventeen hundred and ninety-
seven; provided, that before the said commissioners shall be entitled to receive any money levied in
virtue of this act, they shall enter into bond to the state of Maryland, in the penalty of two thou-
sand dollars in the respective counties of Kent and Queen-Anne's, for the faithful discharge of their
duties as commissioners for building the said bridge, which said bonds may be sued as any public
tonds now are, and a certified copy of said bonds, under the seal of either of the county clerks
aforesaid, shall be evidence in any court of law or equity in this state.
appointed, &c.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That for Kent county, Michael Megear, Lewis Blackston and James
Parker, and for Queen-Anne's county, Joseph Thompson, Samuel Groome Osborn and Thomas
Harris, shall be and they are hereby appointed commissioners, for the purpose of building the said
new bridge; and the said commissioners, or a majority of them, are authorised and empowered, as
soon as it may be conveniently in their power, to cause the said bridge to be built over the said ri-
ver, at or near to the place where it formerly stood, which said bridge shall be built of sound and
good materials, and completed in the best and most substantial manner; and the said commissioners,
or a majority of them, are, by virtue of this act, fully authorised and empowered to agree with a
contractor or contractors for the whole, or they may purchase materials, and hire workmen and la-
bourers, to complete the said bridge, as they in their discretion may think best, and in either case
the said bridge shall be built and completed under the immediate direction and superintendence of
the said commissioners, or a majority of them.
How vacancies
sre to be filled,
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if any of the said commissioners shall die, or remove out of the
county of which he is a commissioner, before the completion of the said bridge, or shall refuse to
act, the commissioners may appoint some other person to act in his place, and the person so appoint-
ed shall have the same powers and authorities vested in the said commissioners by this act.
An account to
be rendered,
V. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said commissioners, or some one or two of them, shall ren-
der to the justices of the levy courts of the said counties respectively, at their levy courts next after
the expenditure of the said monies, a true, full and fair account, of all the money by them laid out
and expended by virtue of this act in building and completing the said bridge; and that the said levy
courts in the respective counties shall make such compensation to the said commissioners as they in
their judgment may think proper.
Passed Janua-
ry 19, 1805.
A Further supplement to an act, entitled, An act to regulate the in-
spection of tobacco
Inspectors to
view tobacco
brought in par-
cels, &c.
BE IT ENACTED, ny the General Assembly of Maryland, That where any tobacco shall be brought in
parcels to any warehouse in this estate, appointed in consequence of the act to which this is a
further supplement, for the reception and inspection of tobacco, the inspector or ispectors are here-
by directed carefully to view and examine the same, and if found to be sound, clear of trash, in good
condition and merchantable, to weigh, and render to the owner thereof as many transfer notes as he
or she may require, to the amount of the quantity so examined and weighed; which notes shall be!cur-
rent, and received in payment and satisfaction of all contracts for tobacco, and judgments and decrees
an contracts for tobacco, subject to a deduction of six per cent, when paid or received in lieu of crop to-
bacco, and of ten per sent, when paid or received in lieu of crop tobacco clear of cask, according to
the terms and intention of the contract, judgment or decree, as the case may be, and shall be trans-
ferrable from one to another in all such tobacco payments, and shall be paid and satisfied by the in-
spector or inpectiors who signed the same, upon demand; and the saidi inspector or inspectors shall