VIII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the bailiff of said town, before ha acts as such, shall take an
oath, or affirmation, (to be administered by any one of the commissioners,) faithfully to execute the
duties of his office, according to his best skill and judgment; and the duties of the said bailiff shall
be, to attend the meetings of the said commissioners, to perform such services tor more effectually ac-
complishing the objects of this act as shall be directed by said commissioners, to prevent the tumul-
tuous and irregular meetings of negroes, slaves, and other dissolute and disorderly persons, within
the limits of said town, or, if so assembled, to disperse them by reasonable and lawful means, and
to punish, with moderate correction, under such rules and regulations as shall be prescribed by the
said commissioners, all such negro or other slaves as shall be found strolling or wandering about the
streets in the night-time, or frequenting the houses of other persons in said town, without the con-
sent of their masters, mistresses or overseers.
Bailiff to take
an oath, &c.
IX. AND BE IT ENACTED, That it shall not be lawful for any person or persons to keep or raise
any geese or swine within the limits of the said town, except in pens or other enclosures; and if
any geese or swine shall be found going at large within the said town, (unless they be such straying
geese or swine as may belong to any person or persons not residing within the distance of two miles
therefrom,) it shall be lawful for the bailiff of the said town, upon the information of any of the
inhabitants thereof, or upon his own view, to distrain and seize all and every such geese and swine,
and to secure the same in some common pound, to be provided by the said commissioners for that
purpose; and all and every suqh geese and swine, so distrained and secured, shall be forfeited for
the benefit of the said town, and shall be sold at public auction to the highest bidder, and the pro-
fits arising from the sale thereof, (except the sum of one shilling for every goose, and the sum of
two shillings for every swine, to be retained by the said bailiff for his trouble,) shall be accounted
for and rendered by the bailiff to the said commissioners, to be applied by them for the use and ad-
vantage of the said town.
No person to
raise geese,
X. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the commissioners aforesaid shall have power and authority to
make and execute, or cause to be executed, all such further laws, rules and regulations, not contra-
ry to the laws of this state or of the United States, as may be necessary for the preservation of or-
der and decorum within the said town, and to promote the happiness and convenience of its inhabi-
may make
law 8, &c.
An ACT to authorise a lottery in Allegany county for the purposes
therein mentioned.
Passed Janua-
ry 19, 1805,
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That it shall and may be lawful for Upton
Bruce, David Hoffman, senior, Thomas Thistle, George Hoffman and William McMahon, or a
majority of them, to propose a scheme or schemes of a lottery for raising a sum of money, not ex-
ceeding two thousand dollars, and to sell and dispose of the tickets thereof; provided the said Up-
ton Bruce, David Hoffman, senior, Thomas Thistle, George Hoffman and William McMahon, or
such majority of them us shall undertake to act under this law, shall, before the sale or disposal of
any ticket or tickets in said lottery, give their bond to the state of Maryland, in the penalty of five
thousand dollars, conditioned, that they will well and truly apply so much" of the money arising
therefrom, within six months from the time the drawing of said lottery shall commence, as will sa-
tisfy the fortunate adventurers for prizes drawn by them, and after deducting the necessary expences
incurred in said lottery, shall apply tfhe residue of the money so raised, first to the purchase of a
fire engine for the use and safety of the town of Cumberland, in said county, and the balance after-
wards remaining, to be applied to the erecting a bridge across Will's creek in said town.
A scheme may
be proposed,
II. AND BE IT ENACTED, That it shall be the duty of said commissioners, before they act as such,
to lodge such bond in the clerk's office of Allegany county, there to be recorded, and upon such
bond, or any office copy thereof, suit or suits may be instituted against the obligors therein, or any
of them, or their legal representatives for any breach or non-compliance with the condition of the
Bond to be
lodged, &c.
An ACT authorising the levy courts of Kent and Queen-Anne's
counties to levy a sum of money for building a bridge over Chester
river, at the Head of Chester.
Passed Janua-
ry 19, 1805.
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly, that the public bridge across Chester
river, at the head of Chester, which has been kept up in common by Kent and Queen- Anne's