and are hereby obliged to make every hogshead of tobacco by him or them paid away in discharge of
auch transfer notes, to contain nine hundred pounds of net tobacco at least; and for every such hogs-
head of tobacco by him or them paid away, well lined and nailed, in fit order for shipping, there shall be
paid by the person receiving such hogshead the sum of five dollars, for the hogsheact, packing, prizing
and finding nails for lining the same; and the person demanding or receiving tobacco in discharge of
transfer notes, as aforesaid, shall allow the inspector or inspectors two pounds of tobacco per hun-
dred, and so pro rate, for shrinkage and waste, if the said tobacco be paid at any time within two
months, after the date of the note or notes given for the same, and one pound of tobacco for every
hundred for every month in which the same shall be unpaid after the said allowance, so as all such al-
lowances for shrinkage and waste do not exceed, in the whole, six pounds for every hundred pounds
of tobacco; and if any inspector or inspectors by whom such notes for tobacco as aforesaid shall be
signed, shall refuse or delay to pay and satis y the same when demanded, every inspector so refusing
or delaying, shall forfeit and pay to the party injured double the value of the tobacco so refused or
delayed to be paid, to be recovered in the county court, with costs, if the note or notes so refused
or delayed to be paid exceed five hundred pounds of tobacco, and if the note or notes do not exceed
five hundred pounds of tobacco, double the value shall and may be recovered before a single magis-
II. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the owner of any transfer note or notes may at any time receive
a note or notes for a marked hogshead or hogsheads of tobacco in satisfaction for such notes and the
inspector or inspectors, on delivering the same, shall take, in his or their former notes, and be an-
swerable for the safe keeping of every hogshead of tobacco, the note for which shall be so delivered,
in the same manner that they are now for crop tobacco, but the person receiving such note shall pay
to the inspector or inspectors the sum of five dollars for the cask, nails and prising thereof; and the
Inspector or inspectors shall sell all transfer tobacco which shall not be so received and marked, on
the second day of holding the county courts in each county respectively on each shore, if fair, if
not, on the first fair day thereafter, by public auction, in single hogsheads, and not otherwise, and
shall pay the money arising from such sale at the average price of the sale of tobacco belonging to
each house, in satisfaction of their notes from time to time to the proprietors thereof making their
demand, under the same penalty as is prescribed for not paying inspectors notes.
Owners to re-
ceive notes, &c
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all transfer tobacco, when prized in hogsheads, shall be subjets
to the same charges for inspection and otherwise, as crop tobacco is subject to.
IV. AND, whereas doubts have arisen as to the legality of the inspectors permitting persons who
may offer tobacco in hogsheads at the respective warehouses which may be refused, to carry the same
so refused from the warehouse at which it shall have been offered, and it appearing reasonable that
Transfer tobac-
co subject to
charges, &c.
such indulgence should be given to every person thus circumstanced, BE IT ENACTED, That in case
any person shall hereafter offer at any warehouse for inspection, any tobacco in hogsheads, and the
same shall be found by the inspector to be unmerchantable, it shall and may be lawful for such in-
spector to permit the person owning such tobacco to take away the same from the said warehouse for
the purpose of altering the condition thereof, or otherwise.
Tohaceo un-
may be taken
away, &c.
V, AND BE IT ENACTED, That this act shall continue and be in force for the same term of the
continuance of the act to which this is a further supplement; provided that nothing herein contain-
ed, so far as relates to transfer tobacco, shall extend, or be construed to extend, to Saint-Mary's
county, any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding.
Duration, &c
An ACT for introducing a copious supply of wholesome water into
the city of Baltimore.
Passed Janua-
ry 19, 1805,
WHEREAS; John McKim, James A. Buchanan, John Donnell, Solomon Etting, Jonathan E-lli-
cott, James Mosher and William Gooke, together with sundry other citizens of this state,
have agreed to form themselves into a company, and have associated and raised a large sum of mo-
Bey by subscription, in shares of fifty dollars each, for the purpose of introducing a copious supply
of wholesome water into the city of Baltimore ;
II. BE IT ENACTED, bj the General Assembly of Maryland, That the said John McKim James A. Buc-
barian, John Donnell, Solomon Etting, Jonathan Eilicott, James Mosher and William Gooke, and such
other persons as have subscribed and joined, or shall hereafter subscribe or join the said association
Persons inco-
porated, &c