RESOLVED, That all proceedings against William Rose, James Booker and Philemon Willis, on.a judgment
obtained against them, as securities of William S. Bond, for the recovery of a sum of money due by the said
William S. Bond to the state of .Maryland, be and they are hereby suspended until the tenth day of April,
eighteen hundred and eight; and the said William Rose, James Booker and Philemon Willis, be and they are
hereby indulged in the payment of the said sum of money till the period before mentioned, provided they shall
pay an interest of six per cent, on the same annually, and in default of such payment, shall be liable for the prin-
cipal and interest as if this resolution had not passed; and provided also, that the judgment afore-said shall con-
tinue and be in force, notwithstanding the suspension of proceedings directed by this resolution, and if the sum
or money that will then be due on the aforesaid judgment be not paid by the time aforesaid, an execution may
be issued against them, or either of them, to enforce the payment thereof.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore pay unto Edward Roberts, the messenger to the court
of chancery, the sum of twenty-five dollars, as, a compensation for his services for the last year.
RESOLVED, That all proceedings at law against Benjamin Hatcheson, and his securities, on judgments ob-
tained by the state of Maryland against him, as sheriff of Kent county, or otherwise, be and the same are
hereby suspended until the first day of January, eighteen hundred and six, on condition only that the said Ben-
jamin Hatcheson shall punctually pay to the treasuries of the eastern and western shores respectively, as the
case may be, on or before the first day of January, eighteen hundred and six, the whole principal of the debts
due by him to the state of Maryland, with interest thereon at six per cent, per annum, which shall then have-
accrued on the whole debts, together with costs on all and every judgment or judgments which shall have ob-
iained against him, and his securities, for debts clue to the state as aforesaid; provided nevertheless, that the
judgments aforesaid shall continue in full force, notwithstanding, the suspension of proceedings directed
by this resolution.
Whereas by a resolution which passed the general assembly of this state at November session, eighteen hun-
dred and two, it is declared, that on John Sterrett, and others, purchasers of a tract of land in Caecil county,
called The Widow's Lot, within the lints of New Connaught manor, paying to the state the full amount of the
purchase money, calculating the same at twenty shillings per acre, with legal interest on the same, together
with all costs of suit brought on bonds executed by them to the state for said purchase, that said boirds should
be and the same was thereby cancelled, and all proceedings at law thereon stayed: And whereas it appears, by
a statement from under the hand of the treasurer, that there has been overpaid into the treasury the sum of
one hundred and sixteen pounds fourteen shillings by John Patterson, the sum of sixty three pounds three shil-
lings and three pence by John Sterrett, the sum of two hundred and thirty-five pounds two shillings by Daniel
Norris, the sum of two hundred and eleven pounds seventeen shillings and seven-pence by James Nesbitt, the
sum of one hundred and forty-three pounds eleven shillings and four-pence by James Steel, calculating the land
at the price authorised and directed by the aforesaid resolution; RESOLVED, That the chancellor ©n application,
in writing, by, or on behalf of, any of the said purchasers, be and he is hereby authorised, in a summary way,
to inquire into the several facts above stated, and if it shall appear to him equitable and proper that the said
purchasers of the Widow s Lot should have refunded to them the several sums of money so by them stated to
have been overpaid, or any part thereof, it shall and may be lawful for the chancellor to decree, that the trea-
surer of the western, shore shall refund to them respectively, or their assigns or representatives, legally entitled
to receive the same, the money so by them stated to have been overpaid, or such part thereof as shall be in the
said decree mentioned; and the said treasurer shall pay, out of any unappropriated money in the treasury, the
several sums which shall by the decree of the chancellor be, directed to be paid to the said purchasers respec-
tively, their assigns or. legal representatives.
RESOLVED, That all proceedings be stayed on a judgment obtained against John Smith Brookes, of Prince-
George's county, at the suit of the state, until the first day of December next, on his paying up all the inte-
rest due thereon; provided, that nothing herein contained shall preclude the state from issuing any execution
on the said judgment, after the expiration of the said stay, for the recovery of such sum or sums of money as
shall or may be due thereon.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore be and he is hereby required and authorised to subscribe,
on behalf of this state, in the union bank of Maryland, four hundred and twenty-four shares of the shares re-
served for the use of this state in said bank, and immediately to pay to the president and directors thereof the
amount of said shares so subscribed, out of the second instalment and interest received from the United States
on the loan made by this state for the use of the city of Washington.
RESOLVED, That the register of the land office be and he is hereby directed and required to receive into his
office the patent heretofore issued to John Maddox, of Somerset county, for a tract of land called Maddox's