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Session Laws, 1804
Volume 562, Page 103   View pdf image (33K)
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second instalment and interest, that provision should be made during the present session for the investment
thereof in some productive fund.

Whereas John Norris, of John, of Harford county, by his petition to this general assembly, hath set forth,
that a certain David McCray had purchased from Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer, late intendant, a trad of land
in Harford county; which said David McCray assigned his interest therein to a certain James Ramp ley, who
assigned the same to a certain George McCormick, who being so entitled, and holding the said assignments,
delivered the same to David Clark, surveyor of said county, for the purpose of making a survey of the said
land; that a survey was made thereof by the said surveyor in the name of said George McCormick, which said
surveyor made a certificate thereof, wherein the said land was called McCormick's Froiick, which certificate was
returned to the land-office and is now remaining there; and that the said George McCormick, afterwards, for a
valuable consideration, assigned his interest in said certificate to him the said John Norris; that the said two
above-mentioned assignments were lost by the said David Clark, therefore, RESOLVED, That the chancellor, on
the application of John Norris, of John, of Harford county, to be made to him as judge of the land-office, be
authorised to inquire into the circumstances relating to the, above recited certificate for the land called
McCormick's Froiick, and if the chancellor shall be of opinion, from the evidence offered to him, that the said
David McCray did assign to James Rampley his interest in the land so as aforesaid stated to be purchased
from the intendant, and that the said James Rampley did also assign to George McCormick his interest in the
said land, then it shall and may be lawful for the chancellor to order a patent to the said John Norris, of John,
on the certificate aforesaid, upon his complying with all other rules and requisites of the land-office, in the same
manner as if the said John Norris, of John, had actually produced and proved the said two assignments.

RESOLVED, That all the right and interest of the state of Maryland be and the same is hereby released unto
Samuel Maynard, of the city of Annapolis, of, in and to, a parcel of land lying in Anne-Arundel county,
called Smith's Delight, containing fifty acres, more or less, which was devised to John Saunders, now deceased, by
Elizabeth Saunders, by her will, bearing date on or about the seventeenth day of December, Anno domini 1773.

RESOLVED, That the heirs and legal representatives of the said Horatio Johnson, be and they are hereby ex-
onerated and discharged from the debts due from the said Horatio Johnson, as one of the sureties of Dennis
Griffith; provided such discharge shall not operate to release the other sureties, except so far as the amount
that would have been the proportional part of said Horatio Johnson, as between him and said sureties.

RESOLVED, That all proceedings against Charles Gardiner, and others, for the recovery of the balance due
by him to the state of Maryland, be and they are hereby suspended until after the first day of December next,
and that the said Charles Gardiner be and he is hereby indulged in the payment of the balance till the pe-
riod before mentioned; provided that the judgment aforesaid shall continue and be in full force, notwithstanding
the suspension of proceedings directed by this resolution, and if the balance that will then be due on the afore-
said judgment be not paid by the time aforesaid, an execution may again be issued against the said Charles Gar-
diner to enforce the payment thereof.

RESOLVED, That all proceedings against William Gardiner, and others, for the recovery of the balance due
by him to the state of Maryland, be and they are hereby suspended until after the first day of December, eigh-
teen hundred and five, and that the said William Gardiner be and he is hereby indulged in the payment of the
said balance till the period before mentioned; provided, that the judgment aforesaid shall continue and be in
full force., notwithstanding the suspension of proceedings directed by this resolution, and if the balance that
will then be due on the aforesaid judgment be not paid by the time aforesaid, an execution may again be issued
against the said William Gardiner to enforce the payment thereof.

RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the eastern shore of Maryland pay to Benjamin Chambers, or order, the

sum of seven pounds thirteen shillings, with legal interest thereon from the eighteenth day of December, in
year seventeen hundred and ninety-six, the day on which an overpayment to the amount of that sum was made
by the said Benjamin Chambers to the late treasurer of the eastern shore of Maryland, and which appears on the

eastern shore treasury books to be a balance due him.

RESOLVED, That the treasurers of the western and eastern shores respectively be and they are hereby direct-
ed not to deposite in any bank any specie or bank notes which hath been or may be received in the treasury,
nor to exchange with any bank, directly or indirectly, for the notes of such bank, such specie or notes as may
be received in the treasury of either shore, unless under the direction of the legislature.

RESOLVED, That the said Nathan Harrington and William Marsh Catrop, be and they are hereby released
from the sum of seventy pounds eighteen shillings, being the additional nine per cent, interest incurred in con-
sequence of their not having paid the above principal at the time prescribed by law.


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Session Laws, 1804
Volume 562, Page 103   View pdf image (33K)
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