Conclusion, containing four hundred and eighty-three acres and one quarter of an acre of land, bearing date on
the third day of August, seventeen hundred and ninety-seven, and erase the words " The Lyon's Den," in
every place in the said patent and certificate, and insert, in lieu thereof, the words " Denwood's Den," through-
out the said patent and certificate, and that lie alter and correct the record books in which the said patent and
certificate hath been recorded, so as to correspond with the said patent and certificate, when amended, and the
error therein corrected as aforesaid; provided, that such alteration shall in no degree affect, or be construed to
affect, the right or title which any other person or persons shall or may have acquired of, in and to, the said
land, or any part thereof, prior to the passage of this resolution, but that all such rights shall be of the same
effect, and have the same avail, as if this resolution had never passed, any thing herein contained to the con-
trary notwithstanding.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore be and he is hereby required and directed to pay, an-
nually, to Joshua Barrett, a late sergeant in the revolutionary war, a sum of money, in quarterly payments,
equal to the half pay of a sergeant during the war aforesaid, as a further remuneration to the said Joshua Bar-
rett for services rendered his country, and as a relief from the indigence and -misery which attend his decrepi-
tude and old age.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the eastern shore -be and he is hereby directed and required to pay unto
William B. Rasin, of Kent county, late a lieutenant in the revolutionary war, or his order, a sum of money
equal to half pay as a lieutenant, annually, in quarterly payments, during his life, as a further reward to those
meritorious services which he rendered his country in establishing her liberty and independence.
RESOLVED, That the levy court of Anne-Arundel county be and they are hereby authorised and directed to
examine the claim of Christopher Johnson, for the repayment -of fifty-one pounds eighteen shillings and five-
pence, and interest, arising from an overcharge in his assessment in said county by mistake, and if they find
the said amount to be correct, to provide for the same in their nest levy, and for the repayment thereof to the
said Christopher Johnson.
RESOLVED, That the application of Rinaldo Johnson and Elisha Berry, with the accompanying documents,
be and the same is hereby referred to the consideration of the chancellor of Maryland and the chief judge of
the general court, and they are hereby requested to decide the case on or before the twentieth day of January
instant, and the chancellor is thereupon requested to direct distribution of the proceeds of the sales of the pro-
perty of Thomas Williams, in the hands of the trustees, according to such decision.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to the examiner-general of the western shore such
sum, in addition to his fees for the present year, as shall amount to the sum of three hundred pounds current
money; and the examiner-general shall lay before the next session of assembly the amount of fees by him re-
ceived in this year, on oath.
RESOLVED, That all proceedings against Thomas Nicholas, of Simon, of Montgomery county, on a judgment
obtained against the said Thomas Nicholls, of Simon, for the recovery of the balance due by him to the state
of Maryland, be and they are hereby uspended until after the first day of November, eighteen hundred and
five, and that the said Thomas Nicholls, of Simon, be and he is hereby indulged in the payment of the said ba-
lance till the period before mentioned; provided, that the judgment aforesaid shall continue and be in full force,
notwithstanding the suspension of proceedings directed by this resolution, and if the balance that will then be
due on the aforesaid judgment be not paid by the time aforesaid, an execution may again be issued against the
said Thomas Nicholls, of Simon, to enforce the payment thereof.
RESOLVED, That John E, Howard, Thomas Dixon, Josias Pennington, Thomas McElderry, Robert C. Long,
Levi Hollingsworth. Daniel Conn, Samuel Sterrett and George Warner, be and they are hereby appointed com-
missioners to superintend the erection of a penitentiary for the reception of the criminals condemned, or who
may be condemned under the laws of this state, and that the said commissioners, or a majority of them, be and
they are hereby authorised and directed to agree on a scite for the said buildings, and to propose a plan to be
submitted to the executive of this state, and when approved of by them, to contract for and superintend the
execution of the same; and for the purpose of defraying the expence thereof, the amount of the proceeds of
the fines, forfeitures, licences, and amerciaments, to be coliected within the city and county of Baltimore, ex-
cept such as are now raised and appropriated to the use of that city, be and they are hereby appropriated; and
the said commissioners, or a majority of them, are hereby authorised to receive the same, to be accounted for
annually, with the expenditure thereof, to the legislature, and to borrow money, if necessary, on the credit of
the said taxes; provided, that the whole sum of money to be raised in virtue of this resolution shall not exceed
the sum of twenty thousand dollars.