R E S O L U T I O N S.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to William Wilson and Patrick Magruder, or their
order, the sum of one hundred and ninety-two pounds six shillings, with- interest thereon from the second day
of February, eighteen hundred and three, which said sum was heretofore paid by them for land to which the
state had no title.
Whereas Thomas Hawkins, of Frederick county, by his petition to this general assembly has set forth, that
by an act of assembly passed in the year seventeen hundred and seventy-one, Francis Colvill, George Washing-
ton and John West, junior, the executors of Thomas Colvin, were authorised to convey a tract of land in said
county called Merryland, to John Semple, or his assigns, on the terms stated in the said act, that said Semple
afterwards assigned his interest in the land to one Adam Stewart and Cumberland Wilson, agents and factors
for Colin Dunlop and Son and Company, merchants, of Glasgow, in Scotland, and to Thomas Montgomery,
factors of James Ritchie and Company, merchants, of Glasgow aforesaid, and that Stewart, Wilson and Mont-
gomery, obtained a deed from the said executors of Thomas Colvin under said act of assembly, and that Stew-
art, Wilson, and Montgomery, sold part of the land to said Thomas Hawkins, distinguished by lots No. 8 and 9,
who has paid for the same, that the said Adam Stewart is a British subject, Cumberland Wilson is deact, leaving
a British subject his heir, and that Thomas Montgomery is dead, leaving James Dunlop his heir and devisee;
and doubts being entertained whether the said Thomas Hawkins, although he may equitably be entitled to the
land purchased as aforesaid, can obtain a legal estate, therefore, RESOLVED, That the chancellor be and he is
hereby authorised, on the application of Thomas Hawkins, of Frederick county, to take into consideration the
facts aforesaid, or any other facts connected or relating thereto, and if the chancellor shall be of opinion, from
all circumstances, that the said Thomas Hawkins hath an equitable right to the land mentioned as aforesaid,
he shall in such case be authorised and empowered to decree a conveyance to the said Thomas Hawkins for
such an estate in the said land, and on such terms, as to the chancellor shall seem proper, which said decree
shall, on the compliance with the terras thereof, operate to vest a complete legal title in the said land in the
said Thomas Hawkins, according to the terms of the decree.
RESOLVED unanimously, That the treasurer of the western shore be and he is hereby directed and required
to pay unto Henry Gassaway, of the county of Anne-Arundel, late a lieutenant in the revolutionary war, a
sum of money equal to half pay as lieutenant, annually, in quarterly payments, during his life, as a further
reward to those meritorious services which he rendered his country in establishing her liberty and independence.
RESOLVED unanimously, That the general assembly highly approves of the conduct of William Pinkney, Es-
quire, in bringing to a fortunate termination the claim of this state to stock in the British funds.
RESOLVED, That the state of Maryland, in consideration of the service rendered to this state on that occa-
sion, presents to the said William Pinkney twelve thousand dollars, and the minister on the part of the United
States, resident at the court of London, in whose name the said stock is held for the use of this state, is hereby
requested to pay to the said William Pinkney, or his order, the aforesaid sum, out of any cash received by the
said minister for the use and on account of this state.
RESOLVED, That the governor be and he is hereby requested to transmit to the said William Pinkney a copj
of these resolutions.
Whereas Thomas Munroe, superintendent of the city of Washington, by his letter to the treasurer of the
western shore of the twenty-second of November, eighteen hundred and four, hath therein communicated, that
he had laid the letter received from said treasurer of the nineteenth instant before the president of the United
States, who, after consulting the secretary of the treasury, directed him to state, that they consider themselves
authorised by the act of congress to pay the first instalment of forty thousand dollars on any day in the year
eighteen hundred and four, and that the first instalment will be paid on demand; and as it is as convenient
to the United States to pay on the first as on the last day of the year, the second instalment may be paid on
the first day of January, eighteen hundred and five, interest always ceasing from the time of payment: And
whereas the executive have instructed the treasurer to request the payment of the said instalments agreeable
to the letter from the superintendent, which has been so done, and the treasurer has according thereto
received a warrant from the general government, drawn on the branch bank of discount and deposite in Bal-
timore for the said first instalment, to the amount of forty thousand four hundred and twenty-three dollars
and ninety-one cents, and it is proper that provision should be made for the immediate investment of the said
sum received, so that the same may not remain inactive, therefore, RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the
western shore be and he is hereby authorised and required, to subscribe, on behalf and for the use of this state*
for one hundred and thirty-four of the shares in the bank of Baltimore reserved for the state by the act of
assembly, entitled, An act to establish a bank, and incorporate the subscribers thereto, passed at November
session, seventeen hundred and ninety-five, and immediately to pay over to the president and directors of the
bank of Baltimore the amount of the shares so to be subscribed by the said treasurer, out of the money to be
received by the treasurer under the aforesaid warrant from the general government; and with- respect to the