RESOLVED, That such of the securities of Robert Sinclair, late sheriff of Allegany county, as have discharged
their proportion of the principal arid interest on the judgments obtained against them in the general court, on
or before the fifth day of November instant, shall be and they are hereby released from the payment of nine
per cent, interest incurred by the non-payment of the same before the first day of November instant, according
to resolution passed at last session; and such of the said securities as shall pay into the treasury their respec-
tive proportions of principal and interest on said judgments at or before the end of the present session of the
general assembly, shall be and they are hereby released from the payment of said nine per cent, incurred by a
non-compliance with said resolutions passed the last session of assembly.
RESOLVED, That all proceedings against James Boarman, and others, for the recovery of the balance due by
him to the state of Maryland, be and they are hereby suspended until after the first day of December, eighteen
hundred and five; and that the said James Boarman be and he is hereby indulged in the payment of the said ba-
lance till the period before mentioned; provided, that the judgment aforesaid shall continue and be in full force,
notwithstanding the suspension of proceedings directed by this resolution; and if the balance that will then be
due on the aforesaid judgment be not paid by the time aforesaid, an execution may again be issued against the
said James Boarman, to enforce the payment thereof.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore be and he is hereby required to pay to Richard Watts,
of Saint Mary's county, or order, the sum of seven pounds nine shillings and nine-pence, with interest thereon
from the eighteenth day of November, seventeen hundred and ninety-seven, it being a balance due on the books
of the treasurer to William Taylor and George Asquith.
RESOLVED, That all proceedings against William Ennalts, and his securities, on judgments obtained, or to
be obtained by this state against them, for the purchase money due this state for the sale of the Indian lands,
be and the same are hereby suspended and stayed until the first day of January, eighteen hundred and six; pro-
vided, that nothing in this resolution shall operate to stay the proceedings against the said William Ennalls-,
and his securities, until judgment be obtained, and in case the debt shall not be paid at the time above menti-
oned, the judgments shall be in force, and executions may issue thereon without being; renewed by a writ or
writs of scire facias.
RESOLVED, That all proceedings against John Dames, Richard Hall, John Chairs and James Clayland, junior,
of Queen-Anne's county, on a judgment obtained against them in the general court for the eastern shore of
Maryland at September term, eighteen hundred and four, as securities for Henry Costin, late sheriff of said
county, for a balance due to the state of Maryland, be and are hereby suspended until the first day of May,
eighteen hundred and six; and also that they the said John Dames, Richard Hall, John Chairs and James Clay-
land, be and they are hereby released from the payment of nine per cent, per annum of the fifteen per cent, inte-
rest chargeable on the principal of the balance due to the state, on condition only that the said John Dames,
Richard Hall, John Chairs and James Clayland, junior, shall punctually pay to the treasurer of the eastern
shore, on or before the first day of May, eighteen hundred and six, the principal of the balance due to the
state, with interest of six per cent, per annum which shall then have accrued on the same, together with all
costs on said judgment; provided nevertheless, that the judgment aforesaid shall continue and be in full force
notwithstanding the suspension of proceedings directed by this resolution, and that if the said John Dames,
Richard Hall, John Chairs and James Clayland, junior, shall fail in the said payment, they shall thereby forfeit
the benefit of this resolution, and shall be liable to be proceeded against immediately for the whole of the said
debt and costs, and the fifteen per cent, interest now payable thereon.
RESOLVED, That all proeeedings against James . O'Bryon, executor of James O'Bryon, late of Queen-Anne's
county, .deceased, an judgments obtained against him in the general court of the eastern shore of Maryland at
September term, eighteen hundred and one, as executor of the said James O'Bryon, and as administrator of Tho-
mas O'Bryon, deceased, and also upon a resolution passed November session, eighteen hundred and two, be and
they are hereby suspended until the thirty-first day of December, eighteen hundred and five; and also that he the
said James O'Bryon be and he is hereby released from the payment of nine per cent, per annum of the fifteen
per cent, interest chargeable on the principal of the balance due to the state, on condition only that he the said
James O'Bryon shall punctually pay to the treasurer of the eastern shore, on or before the thirty first day of
December, eighteen hundred and five, the whole balance of the principal of the debt now due by him to the
state, together with interest thereon at six per cerit. per annum from the sixteenth day of October, eighteen
hundred and three; provided nevertheless, that the judgment aforesaid shall continue and be in full force,
notwithstanding the suspension of proceedings directed by this resolution, and that if the said James O'Bry-
on shall fail in said payment, he shall thereby forfeit the benefit of this resolution, and shall be liable to be
proceeded against immediately for the principal of the said debtj. and the fifteen per cent, interest now payable