RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to Dominic Koine, of Harford county, an old infirm
soldier, or to his order, the sum of forty dollars annually, during the life of said Dominick Coyn, and that the
said sum be paid in quarterly payments,
RESOLVED, That all proceedings be stayed until the first clay of May next on a judgment or judgments
obtained in the general court for the western shore against the securities of Robert Sinclair, late sheriff of
Allegany county.
RESOLVED, That the said securities be released from the payment of the nine per cent, interest imposed on
them, provided they pay the balance due pa or before the first day of November next, with six per cent, inte-
rest thereon.
RESOLVED, That Thomas Jackson, of Dorchester county, be indulged in the payment of the balance remain-
ing clue on his bond, passed to the state for the purchase money of lot No, 6 of the Choptank Indian lands,
until the first day of December next; provided that nothing herein contained shall prevent the state from bring-
ing suit, and proceeding to judgment, against the said Thomas Jackson, and his securities, on his said bond, but
that after judgment obtained, all further proceedings against them be stayed until the time aforesaid.
RESOLVED, That John B. Beall be indulged in the payment of sixty-nine pounds ten shillings, debt due to
this state as sheriff of Allegany county, until the first day of December next.
RESOLVED, That the said John B, Beall be released from the payment of the nine per cent, interest imposed
on him, provided he shall pay the said sum of sixty-nine pounds ten shillings on or before the said first day of
December next, with six per cent, interest thereon,
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the eastern shore be and he is hereby directed to pay George Second, or
bis order, the sum of forty-four dollars per annum, in half yearly payments, out of any money in the treasury
not otherwise appropriated.
RESOLVED, That Thomas Beall, of Samuel, of Allegany county, be excused and relieved from the payment
of the value of the improvements returned upon a certificate of resurvey made on behalf of him the said Tho-
mas Beall, of Samuel, bearing date the sixteenth day of September, eighteen hundred and three, for a tract of
land lying in Allegany county called Walnut Bottom, amended, resurveyed and signed, by Ninian Cockran, sur-
veyor of Allegany county; provided that nothing herein contained shall prejudice the rights of any other person-
who shall have before this period obtained any right to the vacancy on which the said improvements are erected;
and provided also, that before the patent shall issue on said certificate the said Thomas Beall, of Samuel, shall
oblige himself, in such manner as the chancellor shall prescribe, to convey to the respective persons who have
made the said improvements, or to those who claim under them, and their heirs, the several and respective
pieces or parcels of land which are now held and possessed by them respectively, together with the improve-
ments thereon, clear of all expences.
RESOLVED, That the application of William Amos, senior, of Harford county, be and the same is hereby
referred to the consideration of the auditor, who is authorised and required to examine the same, and report to
the next general assembly what sum, if any, is due to said Amos on account of expences incurred by him
superintending the execution of a commission which issued in behalf of the state, at the instance of the late
intendant, to settle the lines of a tract of land lying in Harford county called The Grove, and that the necessa-
ry time may be allowed to said William Amos.
RESOLVED FURTHER, That no proceedings be commenced at law upon a bond given to the state by a certain
Abraham Jarrett, with William Amos and Thomas Caldwell securities, for the purchase of the land gained by
the state on the execution of the commission aforesaid, until the first day of January, eighteen hundred
and five.
RESOLVED, That the governor and council be and they are hereby requested to contract with some fit and
proper person to repair the house where the treasury of the western shore is kept, and that they draw on the
treasurer of the western shore for such sums of money as shall be necessary for that purpose.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore be and he is hereby directed to pay to James Neale, on
application, the sum of fifteen pounds current money, and the further sum of fifteen pounds like money annu-
ally, in quarterly payments, as a support to him in his infirm situation, and in consideration of his many ser-
vices as a soldier in the late revolutionary war, from the effects of which he has been rendered entirely unable
to obtain a subsistence.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to the examiner-general of the western shore such
sum, in addition to his fees for the present year, as shall, in the whole, amount to the sum of three hundred