pounds, and the examiner-general shall lay before the next session of assembly the amount of fees by him re-
ceived in this year, on oath.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of "the western shore pay unto John Imeson, a soldier in the revolutionary
war, the sum of fifteen pounds current money annually, during the remainder of his life, to be paid in quarterly
RESOLVED, That Joseph Ennalls, of Dorchester county, be indulged in the payment of the balance appearing
due on his bond, passed to the state tor the purchase money of lot No. 1 of the Choptank Indian lands, until
the first day of December next, and that after judgments obtained, all further proceedings be stayed against the
said Joseph Ennalls, and his securities, on the said bond, until the time aforesaid; provided, that such judge-
ment or judgments shall remain in full force, notwithstanding the stay above granted,
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore be and he is hereby authorised to release unto David
Sfeeuart, of Anne-Arundel county, all the interest that has arisen upon the principal sum of forty-four pounds
fourteen shillings and three-pence current money, due from him to the state of Maryland, provided the said Da-
vid Steuart shall pay the said sum of forty-four pounds fourteen shillings and three-pence current money to the
treasurer aforesaid on or before the first day of November, one thousand eight hundred and four.
PvESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to Rinaldo Johnson and Elisha Berry, or order, the
commission of six per cent, on the sum of one thousand seven hundred and seventy-eight pounds seventeen
shillings, part of the fifteen shillings additional tax of seventeen hundred and eighty-one, and seven shillings
and six-pence tax of seventeen hundred and eighty-two, collected and paid into the treasury on the sixteenth
day of June, seventeen hundred and ninety-one, by them, as securities of Thomas Williams, former collector
of the taxes of Prince-George's county, as appears by the chancellor's decree of the second of March, seventeen
hundred and ninety-five, for the receipt and payment of which no allowance was made to the said Rinaldo John-
son and Elisha Berry in the settlement of the accounts between the securities aforesaid and the state of Mary-
land by the chancellor.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to Robert Amos, senior, of Harfond county, the sum
of one hundred and twenty-eight pounds ten shillings, with interest thereon from the twenty-eighth day of
March, seventeen hundred and ninety-one, it being the sum of money and interest contained and adjusted in the
first report made by the auditor in pursuance of a resolution passed at November session, eighteen hundred and
two, and the sum of eighty-eight pounds twelve shillings and seven-pence, with interest thereon from the twen-
ty-eighth day of March, seventeen hundred and ninety-one, it being the sum and interest contained and adjust-
ed in the additional report made by the said auditor in pursuance of the said resolution, which said sums and in-
terest are due to said Amos on account of an overpayment made by him into the treasury as collector of the fund
tax in the years seventeen hundred and eighty-three and seventeen hundred and eighty-five.
Whereas one instalment, amounting to not more than one fifth, of the two hundred thousand dollars loaned
by this state for the use of the city of Washington becomes payable during the current year, RESOLVED, That
in event of payment being made to this state, at any time before the next session of the legislature, of the
£aid instalment of the two hundred thousand dollars aforesaid, the treasurer of the western shore be and he is
hereby authorised and directed to subscribe for so many of the shares in the bank of Baltimore reserved for this
state as the sum received by him for and on account of the loan aforesaid may amount to, and to pay over to the
president and directors of the said bank of Baltimore whatever sum may be by him received on said account.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore pay unto John Sanders three dollars and fifty cents, as a
compensation for one day's service as assistant-clerk to the senate.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to the governor, or his order, the sum of one thou-
sand five hundred dollars, to be by him applied in repairing the government-house, and the buildings thereto at-
tached; and also the further sum of one thousand dollars, to be by him applied in the purchase of such furni-
ture, for the use of the government-house, as he shall find necessary for his accommodation, and exhibit an ac-
count of said expenditure to the legislature at their next session.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore pay unto Edward Roberts, the messenger to the court of
chancery, the sum of fifty dollars, as a compensation for his services for the two preceding years.
RESOLVED, That Samuel Maynard, of the city of Annapolis, be excused from the payment of two thirds of
the value due to the state on certain confiscated property, pi which lie has given information to the governor
and council, until the first day of December, 1804.