aforesaid judgment be not paid by the time aforesaid, an execution may again be issued against the said Charles
Gardiner to enforce the payment thereof.
RESOLVED That the treasurer of the western shore be and he is hereby authorised and requested to pay to
Robert Amos senior, the sum of five pounds one shilling and eight-pence current money, with interest from
the twenty-first clay of September, seventeen hundred and eighty-live, it being the balance due upon the treasu-
rer's books to said Amos, upon a purchase made by him of confiscated property, arising from an over payment of
his bond given at the time of the purchase from the intendant.
RESOLVED, That all proceedings be stayed on a judgment obtained against John Smith Brookes, of Prince-
George's county, at the suit of the state, until the first day of December next, on his paying up ail the interest
due thereon; provided, that any thing herein contained shall not preclude the state from issuing any execution
on the said judgment within twelve months after the expiration of the said stay, for the recovery of such sum
or sums of money as shall or may be due thereon.
RESOLVED That Denwood indulged in the payment of the balance due on his bond to the state of
Maryland for the purchase money of lot No. 8 of the Choptank Indian lands until the first clay of December,
eighteen hundred and four, and that after judgments obtained, all further proceedings against the said Denwood
Hicks, and his securities, be stayed until the time aforesaid.
RESOLVED That Elizabeth Barrow, widow and executrix of William Barrow, late of Dorchester county,
deceased be indulged in the payment of the balance due on the bond of the said William Barrow to the state
of Maryfand for the purchase money of lot No. 5 of the Choptank Indian lands until the first day of December,
eighteen hundred and four, and that after judgments obtained in the suits now depending, all further proceedings
be stayed against the said Elizabeth Barrow, executrix as aforesaid, and the securities of the said William
Burrow, until the first day of December, eighteen hundred and four.
RESOLVED, That ail proceedings against William Singleton and George Johnston, of Caecil county, on a
judgment or judgments obtained by the state of Maryland against them in the general court of the eastern shore,
be and the same are hereby suspended until the bill filed in the court of chancery by the said William Singleton
against the state of Maryland, respecting the claim on which the said judgment or judgments is or are founded,
shall be decided on by the chancellor, or otherwise dismissed.
RESOLVED That all proceedings at law against Benjamin Hatchcson, and his securities, on judgments ob-
tained by this state against him as sheriff of Kent county, be and the same are hereby suspended until the first
day of January in the year eighteen hundred and five, and that the treasurer of the eastern shore be authorised
and required to adjust and settle the accounts of the said Benjamin Hatcheson for all fines and forfeitures re-
ceived by him as sheriff of said county in the years seventeen hundred and ninety eight, seventeen hundred and
ninety-nine, and eighteen hundred, and to make such allowances to him for insolvencies as the said treasurer
may deem just and right.
RESOLVED That all proceedings against Philemon Willis, James Booker, Richard Barnaby and William Rose,
on a judgment obtained against them, as securities of William S. Bond, for the recovery of a sum of money
due by the said William S. Bond to the state of Maryland, be and they are hereby suspended until the tenth
day of April, eighteen hundred and five; and that the said Philemon Willis, James Booker, Richard Barnaby
and William Rose, be and they are hereby indulged in the payment of the said sum of money till the period be-
fore mentioned; provided, that the judgment aforesaid shall continue and be in force, notwithstanding the sus-
pension of proceedings directed by this resolution, and if the sum of money that will then be due on the afore-
said judgment be not paid by the time aforesaid, an execution may be issued against them, or either of them, to
enforce the payment thereof.
RESOLVED, That all further proceedings against James B. Sullivane, and his securities, on their bonds passed
to the state for the purchase money of lots No. 14 and 15 of the Choptank Indian lands, be suspended until the
first day of March, eighteen hundred and five; provided, that nothing in this resolution shall operate to stay
the proceedings against the said James B. Sullivane, and his securities, until judgment be obtained on their
bonds, and in case the debt shall not be then paid, the judgments shall be in force, and have the same operation
and effect, as if this resolution had not been passed.
Whereas the compensation allowed to the trustee under the act respecting the creditors and debtors of this
state, passed at November session, one thousand seven hundred and ninety, after the first year, is inadequate
to the services required of him; RESOLVED, That the said trustee shall be entitled to receive, as an additional
compensation for his services for the ensuing year, the sum of two hundred dollars.