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Session Laws, 1803
Volume 560, Page 83   View pdf image (33K)
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Passed 7th of

January, 1804

An ACT for the payment of the journal of accounts.

WHEREAS it appears by the journal of accounts of this session, that there is due from
this state the sum of twenty-six thousand nine hundred and thirty-one dollars and seventy-
one and a half cents

Treasurer to
pay, &c.

II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the treasurer of the western shore
shall and he is hereby authorised and required to pay the several persons, their executors, admi-
nistrators, assigns or orders, or to such of them as shall offer to receive the same, the several sums
of current money allowed to them respectively, as they appear to be settled and ascertained by the
said journal of accounts, out of any money now in the treasury, or that shall come into the treasu-
ry, subject to the appropriation of the general assembly.

RESOLUTIONS assented to November Session, 1803.

RESOLVED, That all proceedings against James Boarman, and others, for the recovery of the balance due by
him to the state of Maryland, be and they are hereby suspended until after the first day of December,
eighteen hundred and four, and that the said James Boarman be and he is hereby indulged in the payment of the
said balance till the period before mentioned; provided, that the judgment aforesaid shall continue and be in full
force, notwithstanding the suspension of proceedings directed by this resolution, and if the balance that will
be then due on the aforesaid judgment be not paid by the time aforesaid, an execution may again be issued
against the said James Boarrnan to enforce the payment thereof,

RESOLVED, That Robert Polk, of Dorchester county, be indulged in the payment of the third instalment of his
bond, passed to the state of Maryland for the purchase money of lot No. 7 of the Choptank Indian lands, until
the first day of July next, and in the payment of the fourth instalment until the first day of January, eighteen
hundred and five, and that after judgment is obtained upon his said bond all further proceedings thereon, to
enforce the payment of the 3d and 4th instalments, be suspended until the respective days above mentioned.

Whereas it appears that Charles Lecompte, of Dorchester county, became the purchaser of lots No. 12 and 13
of the Indian lands sold in the said county by the agent of the state; that the surveyor, in calculating the con-
tents oflot No. 13, stated that it contained the quantity of three hundred and seventeen acres of land, in consi-
deration whereof, the said Charles Lecompte passed his bond to the state for the payment of the purchase money
therefor, at the rate of three pounds and six-pence per acre: And whereas it appears that an error was made in
the calculation of the contents of the survey of the said lot No. 13, which has since been revised and. corrected by
the examiner-general of the western shore, who hath certified that the said survey contains no more than two
hundred and ninety-one and an half acres of land: And whereas the said Charles Lecompte hath paid into the
treasury of the western shore the whole amount of the purchase money, with the interest due thereon, for the
said land, with an allowance for the error in the calculation aforesaid; RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the
western shore be and he is hereby directed to endorse upon the bond given by the said Charles Lecompte a cre-
dit for the deficiency of twenty-live and an half acres of land, at the rate of three pounds and six-pence per
acre, and to deliver up the said bond to the said Charles Lecompte, or order, to be cancelled; and that the
chancellor be and he is hereby authorised and empowered to execute a deed to the said Charles Lecompte for
the said lands, according to the terms of sale.

RESOLVED, That all proceedings against William Gardiner, and others, for the recovery of the balance due
by him to the state of Maryland, be and they are hereby suspended until after the first day of December, eighteen
hundred and four, and that the said William Gardiner be and he is hereby indulged in the payment of the said
balance till the period before mentioned; provided, that the judgment aforesaid shall continue and be in full
force, notwithstanding the suspension of proceedings directed by this resolution, and if the balance that will
then be due on the aforesaid judgment be not paid by the time aforesaid, an execution may again be issued
against the said William Gardiner to enforce the payment thereof,

RESOLVED, That all proceedings against Charles Gardiner, and others, for the recovery of the balance due
by him to the state of Maryland, be and they are hereby suspended until after the first day of December next,
and that the said Charles Gardiner be and he is hereby indulged in the payment of the balance till the pe-
riod before mentioned; provided, that the judgment aforesaid shall continue and be in full force, notwithstand-
ing the suspension of proceedings directed by this resolution, and if the balance that will then be due on the


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Session Laws, 1803
Volume 560, Page 83   View pdf image (33K)
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