An ACT for the payment of the journal of accounts.
WHEREAS it appears by the journal of accounts of this session, that there is now due From
this state the-sum of twenty-eight thousand nine hundred and seventy-five dollars and forty-
one cents
Passed 10th of
January, 1803.
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the treasurer of the western shore
shall and he is hereby authorised and required to pay the several persons, their executors, admi-
nistrators, assigns or orders, or to such of them as; shall offer to receive the same, the several sums
of current money allowed to them respectively, as they appear to be settled and ascertained by the
said journal of accounts, out of any money now in the treasury, or which shall come into the trea-
sury subject to the appropriation of the general assembly.
Treasurer to
pay, &c.
ESOLUTIONS assented to November Session, 1802.
RESOLVED, That all proceedings be stayed until the first day of September next, on a judgment or judge
ments obtained in the general court against William M'Mahan, Thomas Cresap, James Scott, Charles F.
Brodhag, John Conrod Beatty, George Thistle, Ninian Cochran, George Dent, Thomas Stewart and James
Cresap, of Michael, securities of Robert Sinclair, late sheriff of Allegany county.
RESOLVED, That the said sureties be released from the payment of the fifteen per cent, interest imposed on
them, provided they pay the balance due, and all costs, on or before the said first day of September next, with
six per cent, interest thereon; and provided also, that the judgment or judgments aforesaid shall continue and
be in full force, notwithstanding the suspension of proceedings directed by this resolution, and if the balance that
will then be due on the aforesaid judgment or judgments be not paid by the time aforesaid, an execution or exe-
cutions may again be issued against, the said securities to enforce the payment thereof.
RESOLVED, That all proceedings against William Gardiner, and others, for the recovery of the balance due by
him to the state of Maryland, be and they are hereby suspended until after the first day of December, eighteen
hundred and three, and that the said William Gardiner be and he is hereby indulged in the payment of the said
Balance till the period before mentioned; provided, that the judgment aforesaid shall continue and be in full
force, notwithstanding the suspension of proceedings directed by this resolution, and if the balance that will
then be due on the aforesaid judgment be not paid by the time aforesaid, an execution may again be issued against
the said William Gardiner to enforce the payment thereof,
RESOLVED, That all proceedings against Charles Gardiner, and others, for the recovery of the balance due by
him to the state of Maryland be and they are hereby suspended until after the first day of December, one thou-
sand eight hundred and three, and that the said Charles Gardiner be and he is hereby indulged in the payment of
the said balance till the period before mentioned; provided, that the judgment aforesaid shall continue and be
in full force, notwithstanding the suspension of proceedings directed by this resolution, and if the balance that
will then be due on the aforesaid judgment be not paid by the time aforesaid, an execution may again be issued
against the said Charles Gardiner to enforce the payment thereof.
RESOLVED, That all proceedings against James Boarman, and others, for the recovery of the balance due by
him to the state of Maryland, be and they are hereby suspended until after the first day of December, one thou-
sand eight hundred and three, and that the said James Boarman be and he is hereby indulged in the payment of the
said balance till the period before mentioned; provided that the judgment aforesaid shall continue and be in full
force, notwithstanding the suspension of proceedings directed by this resolution, and if the balance that will
then be due on the aforesaid judgment be not paid by the time aforesaid, an execution may again be issued
against the said James Boarman to enforce the payment thereof.
RESOLVED, That all proceedings against William Mealy, on his bond passed to the state of Maryland for the
purchase of Indian lands lying'in Dorchester county, be and the same are hereby suspended until the determina-
tion of a suit now pending in the federal court between the Indians claiming the said land and the state of Ma-
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