seventeen hundred and ninety-nine, did set forth, by their petition to the last general assembly of
Maryland, that there remained uncollected a considerable sum of money in the districts in the coun-
ty aforesaid, for which collection they became securities, and which money the said Conn was una-
ble to collect, by reason of the prevalence of the yellow fever in the city of Baltimore, and prayed
that they might be allowed a longer time to complete said collection: And whereas the last general
assembly enacted a law, enabling the said John Sprigg Belt, James Walker and Archibald Dorsey,
the survivor or survivors of them, to collect the balances due for the year seventeen hundred and
ninety, instead of seventeen hundred and ninety-nine therefore,
II, BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland That the said John Sprigg Belt, James
Walker and Archibald Dorsey, the survivor or survivors, of them, be and they are hereby autho-
rised to collect all balances remaining uncollected in the districts in which Robert Conn was collec-
tor for the year seventeen hundred and ninety-nine, at any time before the first day of October next,
in the same manner as the said Robert Conn might, have done while he was collector, any. law to the
contrary notwithstanding.
J. S. Belt, &c.
to collect, &c.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said John Sprigg Belt, James Walker and Archibald Dor-
sey, the survivor or survivors of them, shall deliver to the persons chargeable with the same an ac-
count, written in words of full length, of the taxes demanded of them, with an annexed affidavit, if
required, that the said Robert Conn hath not received, nor have they received, any part thereof,
nor any thing as security or satisfaction for the same, more than credits given, to the best of their
And deliver an
account, &c.
IV. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That the said John Sprigg Belt, James Walker and Archi-
bald Dorsey, before, they derive any benefit from or under this act, shall lodge the said Robert
Conn's collector's books in the clerk's office of Anne-Arundel county, to be open to the inspection
of all persons interested in the same.
Books to be
lodged, &c.
A Supplement to the ad authorising a lottery to raise a sum of money
for improving the navigation of the eastern branch of Patowmack
Passed 8th of
January, 1803.
WHEREAS by the original act to which this is a supplement, Henry Joseph Stier, Benjamin
Lowndes, Thomas Dick, Richard Ponsonby, Patrick Daugherty, William Bruce and Richard
Cramphin, were appointed commissioners to carry into effect the provisions of the said act : And
whereas Henry Joseph Stier, Benjamin Lowndes, Richard Ponsonby, Patrick Daugherty and Willi-
am Bruce, have signified to this general assembly that it is not convenient for them to act, and
Thomas Dick, another of the commissioners, hath left the state; therefore,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly, of Maryland^ That Richard Cramphin, one of the com-
missioners named in said act, and Richard Tasker Lowndes and William Steward, be and they are
hereby appointed commissioners to carry into effeel the provisions of the said act, and they, or a
majority of them, are hereby vested with all the powers and authorities which were by the said ori-
ginal act vested in the said Henry Joseph Stier, Benjamin Lowndes, Thomas Dick, Richard Ponson-
by, Patrick Daugherty,, William Bruce and Richard Cramphin.
appointed, &c
An ACT to extend the powers of the trustees of the poor of Mont-
gomery county.
Passed 8th of
January, 1803
WHEREAS John Draper, by his petition to this general assembly, hath set forth, that he is
now upwards of ninety years , of age, and is much afflicted with infirmities, and thereby ren-
dered unable to support himself by labour, and prays that a law may pass for his support out of the
poor-house; and the prayer of the petitioner appearing reasonable, therefore,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That it shall and maybe lawful for the
trustees oF the poor of the said county of Montgomery, if they shall be of opinion that the peculiar
circumstances of the said John Draper are such as to render a situation in the poor-house particular-
ly unsuitable for him, to support him as an cut-pensioner, in addition to the number now allowed by
H the
J. Draper to be
supported, &c