lars, conditioned, that they will well and truly apply the monies arising therefrom, within thret
months after the drawing thereof, to the payment of the prizes drawn therein to the adventurers to
whom they shall be due, and the necessary expences incurred in the management thereof, and the
residue to the purchase of a fire engine for the use of said town.
To be lodged,
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said bond shall be lodged in the clerk's office of Frederick
county, to be there recorded, and upon such bond, or any office copy thereof, suit or suits may be
instituted for any breach of non-compliance with the condition thereof
Passed 8th of
January, 1803,
An ACT to lay out and open a road from the Delaware line to in-
tersect the rolling road, in Queen-Anne's county.
WHEREAS sundry inhabitants of Queen-Anne's county, by their petition to this general as-
sembly have set forth, that they sustain great inconvenience from the want of a public road
leading from the Delaware state line to intersect a road called The Rolling Road, in said county
appointed, &c.
II. BE IT ENACTED, By the General Assembly of Maryland, That William Larwood, Henry Coving-
ton, Thomas Harris, Hemsley Massey and John Fogwell, be and they are hereby appointed commis-
sioners, to survey, lay out, clear and open, at the expence of the petitioners, a road, not exceeding
thirty feet wide clear of ditches, from the Delaware state line at or near the Muddy Branch bridge,
through the lands belonging, to Richard Tilghman, 4th, major Richard Tilghman, Peregrine Peters
and Louis Peters's lands, until it intersects a public road in said county called The Rolling Road,
in such direction as said commissioners shall think best.
A plot to be
made, &c.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said commissioners, or a majority of them, shall and they
are hereby directed and required to make, or cause to be made, a plot of the said road, when sur-
veyed as aforesaid, and shall make return of the said plot, together with a certificate of the courses
of the said road, to the clerk of Queen- Anne's county, to be recorded among the records of said
county; and when the same shall have been laid out, cleared, made, opened and received, as di-
rected by this act, the said road shall for ever thereafter be deemed a public highway, and shall be
kept in repair as other public roads of Queen-Anne's county; provided, that the said commissioners
shall not lay out or open the said road through the buildings, gardens, orchards or meadows, of any
person without his or her consent.
Passed 8th of
January, 1803.
An ACT for the investment of the unappropriated money in the
treasury in the bank of Baltimore.
Treasurer to
subscribe, &c.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the treasurer of the western shore be
and he is hereby authorised and required, on or before the first day of February next, to sub-
scribe, on the part and in behalf of the state of Maryland, two hundred and twenty shares in the
bank of Baltimore, being part of the six hundred shares reserved to the state by the twelfth seclion
of an act entitled, An act to establish a bank, and incorporate the subscribers thereto, passed at
November session, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-five; and the said treasurer is hereby fur-
ther authorised and required to pay to the directors of the bank of Baltimore the amount of the said
two hundred and twenty shares, immediately after such subscription.
And receive
II. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the treasurer of the western shore be and he is hereby autho-
rised and empowered, upon the part and in behalf of the state, to receive the dividend or dividends
from time to time as they shall become due in said bank to the state of Maryland upon the shares
herein subscribed by the state, or which may hereafter be subscribed.
Passed 8th of
January, 1803.
An ACT, entitled, An aft to enable John Sprlgg Belt, James Wal-
ker and Archibald Dorsey, to complete the collection of the coun-
ty tax in certain distrids in Anne-Arundel county.
WHEREAS John Sprigg Belt, James Walker and Archibald Dorsey, securities of Robert Conn
for the collection of the county tax in certain districts in Anne-Arundel county for the year