C H A. P,
the aft, entitled, An act to enlarge the powers of the trustees of the poor in the several counties
therein designated, and to allow the said John Draper an annual pension, not exceeding thirty dol-
lars, to be paid at such time or times as the said trustees shall direct, the amount of which said
pension shall be levied in the same manner as the other expences of the poor-house in the said
Passed Sift of
January, 1803.
A Supplement to the act, entitled, An act to levy on the assessable
property of Anne-Arundel county a sum, of money for the pur-
poses herein after mentioned.
WHEREAS by the act to which this is a supplement, the levy court of Anne-Arundel county
was authorised and required, at their first meeting after the passage of said act, to settle and
adjust the sum of money due to Jonathan, Elias, George and John Eilicott, of Baltimore county,
behig by them advanced and expended on the road leading through Anne-Arundel county, on a di-
rection from Frederick-town to Baltimore-town, together with the interest thereon, and costs by
them expended in instituting suits for the recovery thereof: And whereas the said levy court hath
omitted, at their first meeting after the passage of said act, in adjusting the sum of money due to
the said Ellicotts, to allow them interest thereon, or to levy any part of the said interest; therefore,
:€Jourt to reset-
,tie, fcc.
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the levy court of Anne-Arundel
county shall be and they are hereby directed, authorised and empowered, as soon as conveniently
may be after the passage of this a6t, to resettle and adjust the accounts aforesaid of the said Elli-
cotts, and to allow them interest on the sums by them advanced, from the respective dates thereof
till the same shall be from time to time made payable by the collector of Anne-Arundel county as
hereafter directed.
And levy mo-
:»CV, &£.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said levy court shall, after ascertaining the amount of said
interest, levy the same, in three annual payments, upon the assessable property of said county, to
be collected in the same manner, and at the same time, and by the same person or persons, as other
county taxes are collected, and when collected, shall be paid to the said Eliicotts, the survivors or
survivor of them; and the bonds of the said collector or collectors, and their securities, shall be
answerable for the due payment thereof.
Passed 8th oi:
January, 1803.
Ail ACT to direct the register of wills of Caroline, county to keep
his office in Denton, in said county, and there to deposit the re-
cords, books and papers, belonging to said office.
Register to
liold his office
,iu Den ton, &e.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the register of wills for Caroline
county shall be and he is hereby directed and required, from and after the £rst day of May next,
to hold, either by himself or his deputy, his oiiice in the town of Denton, in said county, and there
to deposit and keep all the records, books and original papers, belonging to said office, and that he
the said register, or his deputy, shall, in every week thereafter, be obliged to attend on Tuesdays
and Saturdays at his said office, (unless prevented by sickness or unavoidable accident,) for the
transaction of such business as appertains to his oiEce; and if the said register of wills shall refuse
or negle6t to comply with the provisions of this act, he shall, for such neglect or refusal, forfeit and
pay a sum not exceeding five pounds for every week he shall so neglect or refuse to comply with the
said provisions, to be recovered by indictment before the justices of the county court of said county,
to be collected as other fines are, and applied to the use of the said county, any thing in any law to
.the contrary notwithstanding.
Massed 8th of
January, 1803,
An ACT for the relief of Elizabeth Dukes, of Dorchester county.
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly, by the petition of Elizabeth Dukes, that
a certain John Wheeler, late of- Dorchester county, deceased, did sign and seal a will, and
declared the same to be bis last will and testament, in which he devised and bequeathed to her, the
said Elizabeth Dukes, one third part of his estate, to be at her disposal, and also all the rest and
residue of his estate to her, during her natural life, in a single station, and at her death or time of
marriage, which may first happen, the same to become the right and property of her son Hanson, to