said building, without the aid of funds to be obtained otherwise, and praying for an act; to pass it
this particular case, authorising a lottery for providing funds for the purpose aforesaid; therefore,
Persons to pro-
pose a scheme,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That Michael Riddlemoser, John Gross
John Scheuler, Peter Walter, Sebastian Hickley, Jacob Shorb, Francis Gillmyer and John Ehrman
or any five of them, be and they are hereby authorised to propose a scheme of a lottery, and to sell
and dispose oF tickets therein, for raising such sum of money as they, or any five of them, shall
consider sufficient to discharge the debts incurred, and to complete and finish said building, not ex-
ceeding four thousand dollars.
And give
bond, &c.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That before the said Michael Riddlemoser, John Gross, John Scheu-
ler, Peter Walter, Sebastian Hickley, Jacob Shorb, Francis Gillmyer and John Ehrman, proceed to
the sale of any ticket or tickets in the said lottery, they shall give and execute a bond to the state
of Maryland, in the penalty of eight thousand dollars, conditioned, that they will well and truly
conduct the drawing of the said lottery, and apply the money arising therefrom, within six months
after the drawing thereof, to the payment of the prizes drawn therein to the adventurers to whom
they shall be due, and the necessary expeuces incurred in the management thereof, and the residue
to the finishing of said building,
To be lodged
In the clerk's
office &c.
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That, the said bond shall be lodged in the office of the clerk of Balti-
more county, to be there recorded, and upon such bond, or an office copy, suit or suits may.be in-
stituted for any breach or non-compliance with the conditions thereof
Passed 8th of
January, 1803.
An ACT to authorise and empower the levy court of Worcester
county to assess and levy annually a sum of money for the support
of Elizabeth Cowley, daughter of Henman Cowley.
WHEREAS Henman Cowley, by his petition to this general assembly hath set forth, that
his daughter Elizabeth, now of the age of twenty-three years, hath been deprived of the
use of her limbs, and a constant expence to him from her infancy, and that he is a very poor man,
and prays that aa act may pass, authorising the levy court of Worcester county to levy a sum of
money for the support of the said Elizabeth out of the poor house; and the fact a stated in said peti-
tion appearing to be true, therefore,
Justices to as-
sess money, &c.
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the justices of Worcester county
levy court shall be and they are hereby directed and empowered, at their levy court annually, so
long as they shall see cause, to assess and levy on the assessable property of said county a sum of
money, not exceeding thirty dollars, for the support and maintenance of the said Elizabeth Cowley,
and that the same be collected, annually by the collector or collectors of Worcester county, and paid
to such person aa the levy court of said county shall or may direct;.
Passed 8th of
January, 1803,
An ACT for the relief of Nathaniel Taibot, of Caroline county.
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly, that Nathaniel Talbot, of Caroline
county, did, by virtue of a warrant directed to him by the levy court of the county afore-
said, proceed to open an eld road to a place called the Stock Landing, on Choptank river, which
said old road had been recognised by the county and levy court of the aforesaid county as a public
highway, and used as such, but upon an action being brought in Caroline county court by John Hard-
castle, through whose land the said old road run, against the said Nathaniel Talbot, it was disco-
vered that the aforesaid old road had been used and occupied as a public road without any lawful au-
thority, upon which damages and costs, to the amount of forty pounds fifteen shillings and seven-
pence halfpenny, were recovered in the county court of the county aforesaid against the said Natha-
niel Talbot; therefore,
Justices to levy
money, &c.
II.. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the justices of the levy court of
Caroline county be and they are hereby authorised and directed, at their session in the year eighteen
hundred and three, to levy on the assessable property of Caroline county, for the use of Nathaniel
Talbot, the sum of forty pounds fifteen shillings and seven-pence halfpenny, to be collected as other
county charges are collected, and paid over by the collector to the said Nathaniel Talbot.