An ACT to repeal an act, entitled, An act for the. destruction of
squirrels in Caroline county, passed November session eighteen
' Passed Stk of
January, 1803.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland^ That an act, entitled, An act for the de-
struction of squirrels in Caroline county, passed at November session, eighteen hundred, be
and the same is hereby repealed.
An aft repeal*
An ACT authorising the levy court of Saint-Mary's county to levy a
sum of money tor the rent of an office for the register of wills of
said county.
Passed 8th of
January, 1803,
WHEREAS the register of wills' of Saint-Mary's county hath stated, by his petition to this
general assembly, that for want of a public office at the seat of justice in the said county he
hath been obliged to rent a house for that purpose at his own expence, and praying that the levy
court of said county may be authorised to levy on the county such a sum of money as they may think
necessary; and the same appearing reasonable and proper,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the levy court of Saint-Mary's
county be and they are hereby authorised to levy annually on the said county such a sum of money,
for the purpose of paying the rent of a house to be used as an office by the register of wills of said
county as they in their discretion may think sufficient therefor, not exceeding fifty dollars for each
Court to levy
money, fie.
An ACT for the benefit of Thomas Hewitt, of Georgetown, in
Kent county.
Passed 8th cf
January, 180$.
WHEREAS Thomas Hewitt, a resident of George-town, in Kent county, and now a citizen
of the United States, hath represented to this general assembly, that before he became natu-
ralized he purchased some real property in George-town, in Kent county, and obtained a deed of
conveyance for the same : And whereas some doubts have arisen as to the validity of the title of the
said Thomas Hewitt, in as much as conveyance thereof was made before he was naturalized; there-
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the title of the said Thomas Hew-
itt to the said real property shall be, and the same is hereby made, as perfect and complete, to all
Intents and purposes, as if the said Thomas Hewitt had been naturalized agreeably to the laws of
the United States before the said purchase was made, any law of this state to the contrary notwith-
standing; provided always, that nothing in this act contained shall in any manner defeat or affect
any right, title or claim, to the said property, or any part thereof, acquired or prosecuted. by any
person or persons whatever before the passage of this act,
Title made peg*
fed, &c.
An ACT for the relief of Jane Offutt, wife to Mordecai Burgess
Offutt, Verlinda Beatty, wife to Charles Beatty, Rebecca Offutt,
wife to James Offutt, of William, Mary Offutt, wife to James
Doull Offutt, Cassandra Wade, wife to William Wade, Charles
Offutt Jones, Elizabeth Edmondson, wife to William Edmondson,
and Zadock Jones, all of Montgomery county.
Passed 8th of
January,. 1803,
WHEREAS it doth appear to this general assembly, that a certain James Doull, late oF Mont-
gomery county, by deed, bearing date on the eighth day of June, one thousand seven hun-
dred and eighty-four, did convey, or mean to convey, to a certain James Offutt late of the county-
aforesaid, part of a tract of land, situate in the said county, called Doull's Park, beginning for the
part so meant to be conveyed at the end of eighty perches on the third line of a tract of land called
E Finis