RESOLVED, That in case of the death, resignation or disqualification, of any of the said commissioners, the
governor and council for the time being may and they are hereby authorised and required to supply any vacan-
cy or vacancies fo happening, by the appointment of one or more, (as the cafe may require,) suitable character
or characters to discharge the duties afore said.
RESOLVED, That the governor and council for the time being be and they are hereby authorised and re-
quired to make fuch compenfation to the said commissioners fo as aforesaid to be appointed, when they shall have
discharged the duties and trusts reposed in them as aforesaid, as they shall deem just and reafonable, by order
drawn on the treasury of the western shore, who is hereby authorifed and required to pay the fame out of any
unappropriated money in the treasury.
RESOLVED, That the treafurer of the western shore pay to the order of his excellency the governor the sum
of twelve hundred dollars, to be expended under his direction in the repairs of the government house.
RESOLVED, That all proceedings be stayed on a judgment obtained against John Smith Brooks at the suit of
the state until the first day of November, eighteen hundred and two.
RESOLVED, That the resolution authorifing. and directing the treafurer of the western shore to pay annually to
each brigade inspector of this state the sum of one hundred dollars as a compenfation for his services in discharge
of his duty, paffed at November session, seventeen hundred and ninety-eight, be and the fame is hereby refcinded.
RESOLVED, That all proceedings be stayed until the first day of November next, on a judgment or judgments
obtained in the general court against William McMahanr Thomas Crefap, James Scott, Charles Frederick Brod-
hag, John Conrod Beatty, George Thistle, Ninian Gocliran, George Dent, Thomas Stewart and James Crefap,
of Michael, securities of Robert Sinclair, late sheriff of Allegany county.
RESOLVED, That the said sureties be releafed from the payment of the nine per cent, interest imposed on
them, provided they pay the balance due on or before the said first day of November next, with fix per cent, in-
terest thereon...
Whereas the compenfation allowed to the trustee under the act refpesting the creditors and debtors of thiar
Itate, paffed at November feffion, one thoufand feven hundred and,ninety, aster the first year, is inadequate to
the fervices required of him, RESOLVED, That the said trustee ( entitled to receive as an additional com*
penfation for his fervices for the prefent year the fum of two hundred dollars*-
RESOLVED, That the treafurer of the western-( to the examiner-general of the western (h'ore fuch fura
in addition to his fees for the prefent year as shall in the whole amount to the fum of three hundred pounds, and
the examiner-general fliall lay before the next feffion olaffembly the amount of fees by him received in said yeaiy
on oath.
RESOLVED, That the governor be and he is hereby authorifed, by and with the advice and confent of the
council, to direct fu.ks to be.commenced.againit fuch of the debtors to the (late as he may think proper, and ap-
point an attorney or attornies to any particular fuit or fuits fo diredted to be brought; provided, that all debtar
due to the ilate fliall be paid to the treafurer. of the western or eastern Oiore, and to no other perfon or perform
RESOLVED, That on the application of the governor to the treafurer of the western {hore, it fliall be the duty
of the fnid treafurer, and he is hereby required,.front-time to time to furnifh the governor with correctstatements
of the debts due to the state.-
RESOLVED,. That the governor and council be and they are hereby authorifed to fettle the account of Frede-
rick Green,- printer to the state, for printing and binding Kilty's laws, and to draw an order in his favour on th*
treafurer of the western Ihore for fuch balance as they may determine to be due to him.-
RESOLVED, That the treafurer of the western fliore pay to Robert J. B. Parker, the fum of ten dollars and
fist} cents, as a compenfation for His acting as door-keeper to the fenate for three days,
RESOLVED, That the feveral county courts on the western and eastern stiore refpecSlively, do, and they arfc'
hereby authorifed and required, upon the application of Frederick Meddagh, of Frederick county, an old and
{Superannuated foldier of the late American army, to grant him from year to year, during his life, a licence t©
lawk and peddle, without his the said Frederick Meddagh paying any thing therefor.