RESOLVED, That the committee of claims be directed to allow to Robert Long, on the journal of accounts
the sum of sixty dollars as a compensation for the support and maintenance of negro Daniel, the property of the
state, for the year eighteen hundred and one.
RESOLVED, That the treafurer of the western shore shall and he is hereby author! fed and directed to pay, out
of any unappropriated money, the fum of sixty dollars per annum to the said Robert Long, or his order, in half
yearly payments, for and during the life of the said negro Daniel; provided, the said Robert Long fliall conti-
nue to reiide in this state, and fupport and maintain the said negro Daniel as heretofore.
RESOLVED, That if the said Robert Long should remove out of this state during the life-time of the said ne-
gro Daniel, he the said Robert Long shall, and he is hereby authorised and directed, previous to such removal,
to contract with the trustees of the alms-house of Baltimore county for the support and maintenance of the said
negro Daniel, at the rate of iixty dollars per annum, and that on producing a certificate from the said trustees
of their having entered into fuch contract, and that they have received the said Daniel into the alms-house
aforesaid, the said Robert Long fliall be entitled to receive payment until the date of the said contract made
with the trustees as afore said, and asterwards the said treafurer shall, and he is hereby directed, to pay to the
order of the trustees asoresaid at the rate of iixty dollars per annum for and during the natural life of the laid
negro Daniel.
RESOLVED, That all proceedings on a judgment or judgments obtained against Peregrine Briscoe,. and his fe-
eurities, at the suit of the state, be stayed until the first day of November next.
RESOLVED, That all proceedings be stayed on a judgment or judgments obtained by the state of Maryland in
the general court of the eastern shore against William Singleton and George Johnson until the first day of Janu-
ary, in the year eighteen hundred and three,.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western fliore pay unto John M, Burgess and Mary Burgess, or their
order, the fum of ten pounds, the fame being paid by John Burgefs to Notley Maddox, late, Sheriff of Prince.
George's county, under an impression that the said fum of ten pounds was due from the aforefaid Mary Burgess
on account of a forfeited recognizance, against whom it appears there wasno fuch claim, but that a certain
Mary Burgefs, of the said county, who is insolvent, was the proper person of whom the forfeiture recognizance
as aforefaid; ought to have been claimed.
RESOLVED, That the court of oyer and terminer and gaol delivery for Baltimore county are authorifed and
required to value the time of fervice of negro David Cole, the fervant of Abraham G. Hammond, from the time
of the conviction. of the said fervant in the fpecial court of oyer and terminer and gaol delivery for Baltimore
county, and enter the fame in their proceedings, and that fuch value shall be assessed and collected with the
county assessment, and paid to the said Abraham G. Hammond, or his order.
Whereas by a resolution of the general assembly of Maryland, passed at November feffion, one thousand seven
hundred and ninety-five, William Pinkney, William Cooke and Philip Barton Key, Esquires, were appointed
on behalf of this state to settle and adjust the western and fouthern boundaries between this state and the com-
monwealth of Virginia : And whereas at November session, one thousand feven hundred and ninety-fix, William
Cooke signified to the general assembly that he. could not attend the execution of the above powers, and that
William Pinkney was on business out of this state, and Charles Garroll, of Carrollton, and Jeremiah Townley
Chafe, Esquires, were appointed with Philip Barton Key, to carry the aforegoing resolution into effect : And
whereas the said refolution hath not yet been carried into effect, and Philip Barton Key hath removed out of
this state, and Charles Carroll, of Carrollton, and Jeremiah Townley Chafe, have signified to this general assem-
bly that they cannot attend to the execution of the above powers ; therefore, RESOLVED, That the governor
and council be and they are hereby authorifed and required to appoint three proper perfons as commiffioners OR
the part of this state, to meet such commiffioners as may be appointed for the fame purpofe by the commonwealth
of Virginia, to fettle and adjust, by mutual compact between the two governments, the western and fouthern limits
of this state, and the dividing lines and boundaries between this.state and the said commonwealth ; and alfo to
fettle and adjust as aforefaid any claim of this state, or the said commonwealth, to territory within the limits of
the other; and the said commiffioners, to to be appointed, are hereby required to report their proceedings in
virtue of their said appointment and authority to the general aflembly of this state, at their next session after
the fame fliall have been concluded, for confirmation.
RESOLVED, That the governor of this state be requested to transmit, without delay, to the governor of Vir-
ginia, a copy of the aforegoing resolve, in order to its being laid before the legislature of that commonwealth,
and at the fame time to communicate the with of this general assembly that a similar refolution may be passed by
the general affembiy of Virginia, with a clause fpecifying the time and place when and where the commiffioners,
appointed on the part of said commonwealth, shall meet those appointed on the part of this state.