A LIST of the LAWS passed last SESSION
AN ACT to enable the court of appeals to continue certain causes.
An ACT to fettle and ascertain the salary of members of the council for the ensuing year.
An ACT to prevent swine from going at large in the town of Salisbury, in Somerset and Worcestcr counties
An ACT to enable the Zion church congregations to finish and complete their house of public worship in Baltimore
An ACT to open a road from John and Ifaac Hearrrs mill, in Worcester county , to interfect the in am road leading
from Salisbury to Blackfoot.
An ACT for changing part of the divisional road between Somerset and Worcester counties
An ACT for the benefit of Benjamin Ward, of Prince-George's county
An ACT to authorife the continuance of certain cautes in the court of appeals.
An ACT to alter the times of holding the county courts in Frederick and Washington counties.
An ACT to open a road from Hancock-town, Wastnngton county, by William Tongas-mill, to interfect a road
from Cumberland, in Allegany county, to Sidling; hill creek.
An additional supplement to the act, entitled, An act for erecting a public school in Frederick county.
A Supplement to an act, entitled, An act to appoint commissioners to fell and dispose of certain lands belonging to
Stepney parish, in Somerfet. county, and to apply the money arising from the fales thereof.
An ACT to repeal the fourth section of an act, entitled, An act for the advancement of justice, passed at October
sesion, seventeen hundred and sixty-three
An ACT further extending the time for making returns of certain certificates and plots.
An ACT to alter the times of the session of Baltimore county court, of the court of oyer and terminer and gaol
delivery for Baltimore county, and of the court of appeals,
An ACT for the relief of Jofeph Forman.
A Supplement to an act, entitled, An act to establish and regulate a market in Charles-town, in Charles county, and
to prevent perfons from suffering goats, hogs and geese, to go at large in the laid town.
An ACT to open a road in Saint-Mary's county.
A Supplement to an act, entitled. An act for the relief of Jofeph Forman.
An ACT to lay out a road from Aguila Tarman's tavern to Thomas Cockeyes mill, and from the said mill to the road
called the Deer Park Road.
An ACT authoring the levy court of Washington county to lay out a road from Elizabeth-town, in Wasthington
county, by Harriet's fording, to the Pennsylvania line.
An ACT to empower the levy court of Prince-George's county to affefs a sum of money for the purpofe therein
An ACT to incorporate a company for building bridges over the Great Falls and the Little Falls of Gunpowder, in
Baltimore county, and Winter's run, in Harford county.
An ACT for the relief of the representatives of Nicholas Merry man, late of Baltimore county, cleceafed.
An ACT to alter and change the names of Mary Smock, Robert Smock, John Smock and Anne Smock, of the
city of Baltimore, into the name of Nesbit,
An ACT to extend the powers of the levy court of Allegany county relative to roads in said county.
xxvi. -
An ACT authorising a lottery to /4ife a fum of money for improving the navigation of the ealtern branch of Patow-
mack river.
A Further fupplement to an act to flreighten and amend the public roads in Harford county, and to repeal the act of
assembly therein mentioned.
A Further fupplement to the act, entitled, An act for the draining of a marfli and branch, known by the name of
the Long Marfli, lying in Queen-Anne's and Caroline counties.
An ACT to authorife the levy~court of Saint-Mary's county to levy a fum of money for the rent of a clerk's office.
An ACT to authorife the levy court of Harford county to assess and levy a fum of money for the purposes
therein mentioned.
An ACT respecting the public roads in Washington county.
An ACT to authorife commissioners to review the roads leading from the mouth of Monocacy to George-town and
the city of Baltimore, through the lands of Levin Luckett, in Montgomery county,
an ACT to lay out and open a road from John Orme's plantation to intersect the main road leading from William
Dame's to Montgomery county court-houfe.
A Supplement to an act, entitled, An act to incorporate the Baltimore equitable fociety for infuring houfes from lots
by fire,
A Further fupplement to an act, entitled, An act to authorife and empower the levy court of Montgomery county
to affefs and levy a fum of money on the affeffable property thereof for the purpofe of building a new gaol in said
An ACT to authorife the perfons therein named to build a methodist meeting-house on the public ground in Chester-
town, in Kent county.
An ACT to pay the civil lilt, and other expences of civil government.
A Supplement