The house proceeded to ballot for another committee clerk; the ballets being deposited in the ballot. box, the
gentlemen named to strike retired, and after sometime returned and reported, that David L. Jacob was elected.
ORDERED, That the committee of claims procure weekly one copy of the Maryland Gazette for each member
of the legislature.
The house proceeded to ballot for a committee of grievances and courts of justice, and the ballots being de-
posited in the ballot box, the gentlemen named to strike retired, and alter sometime returned and reported, that
Mr. Edmondson, Mr. Dorsey, Mr. Beall, Mr. Gale, Mr. Carroll, Mr. Hopewell and M. Hebb, were elected,
The house adjourns until to-morrow morning 9 o'clock.
THURSDAY November 10, 1808.
THE house met. Present the same members as on yesterday. The proceedings of yesterday were read,
A petition from captain George Binckley's company of uniformed militia in Hagar's-town, praying a repeal
of that part of the act to regulate and discipline the militia which compels each person to furnish a serviceable
firelock, was preferred, read, and referred to the committee appointed to bring in a hill for that purpose.
A petition from John Lynch, of Kent county, stating that he had been a revolutionary soldier, and praying
the pay of a corporal during life, was preferred, read, and referred to Mr. Moffitt, Mr. Welch and Mr. Fra-
zier, to consider and report thereon.
ORDERED, That Mr. Dorsey, Mr. Kerr and Mr. Cottman,: be a committee to examine and report what laws
expire with the present session.
A petition from John Leatherbury, of Somerset county, praying that George arid Dorothy Robertson may be
authorised to convey to him the lands mentioned in a bond of conveyance from them, and Anne Hack Robert-
son, to Samuel Holbrook, and by him sold to the said John Leatherbury, was preferred, read, and referred to
Mr. Cottman, Mr. Gale and Mr. Bayly, to consider and report thereon.
On motion, Leave given to bring in a bill, entitled, A supplement to an act, entitled, An act to reduce into
one the several acts of assembly respecting elections, and to regulate said-elections. ORDERED, That Mr. Seth,
Mr. Bland, Mr. J. H. Thomas, Mr. Spencer and Mr. Boyle, be a committee to prepare and bring in the same.
On motion. Leave given to. bring in a bill, entitled, An additional supplement to the act, entitled, An act to
prevent excessive gaming. ORDERED, That Mr. Chapman, Mr. Sanders, Mr. J. Thomas, Mr. Tilghman and
Mr. Spencer, be a committee to prepare and bring in the same.
ORDERED, That all such parts of the communications of the executive as refer to the requisition of the war
department of the United States, be referred to a committee of five, and that Mr. Dorsey, Mr. Spencer, Mr. P.
Stuart, Mr. Gale and Mr. Tilghman, be the said committee.
ORDERED, That alt such parts of the communication of the executive as refer to the resolutions of the Ver-
mont and Virginia legislatures, be referred to a committee of seven.
The house proceeded to ballot for the same, and the ballots being deposited in the ballot box, the gentlemen
named to strike retired, and after sometime returned and reported, that Mr. Chapman, Mr. J. H. Thomas, Mr.
Edmondson, Mr. Dorsey, Mr. Blakistone, Mr. Spencer and Mr. Tilghman, were elected.;
ORDERED, That the printer to the state be and he is hereby directed to print one hundred copies of every
bill, resolution and report, containing subjects of a public nature, which shall be read by the clerk during the
present session, also of all official papers, for the use of the members.
A petition from Joseph Tilghman, of Worcester county, stating that he is unable to maintain himself and fa-
mily, and praying some assistance, was preferred, read, and referred to Mr. Bennett, Mr. Hayward and Mr.
Wilson, to consider and report thereon.
The house proceeded to the second: reading of the order relative to appointing a committee to inquire into the
expenses incurred in the execution, by the governor and council, of a resolve passed at November session, one
thousand eight hundred and six, authorising them to furnish the house of delegates with twenty-one desks, and,
on motion, the question was put, That the blank therein contained be filled up with the words " Mr. J. H. Tho-
mas, Mr. Chapman, Mr. Spencer, Mr. Dorsey, Mr. Boyle, Mr. Stansbury and Mr. Herbert?" Resolved in the
The order being read throughout, the question was put, That the house agree to the same? Resolved in the
Mr. Baer, from the committee of claims, delivers to the speaker the following report:
YOUR committee beg leave to report, that they have examined the accounts and proceedings of Benjamin
Harwood, treasurer of the western shore, and find, by an account settled by the committee of claims to the first
day of November, 1807, there was a balance of 160, 545 dollars 7 cent funded six per cent, stock, 533, 901 dol-
lars 59 cents deferred six per cent, stock, 263, 472 dollars 26 cents funded three per cent, stock, 76, 500 dollars
eight per cent, stock, £. 2, 170 4 6 1/2 of the emissions of bills of credit made by an act of congress of the 18th of
March, 1780, and the sum of £. 58, 628 3 5. specie, remaining in the treasury.
That it appears to your committee, by the accounts of said treasurer, he hath received for escheats, caution
and improvements, on land certificates, £ 339 7 10 1/4; for confiscated property, £. 682 2 7; for taxes under
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