the act for establishing and securing the salary to the chancellor, £. S39 6 7 1/4; for taxes, £. 221 5 0; for bonds
taken for money and stock loaned, £. 15, 675 13 9; for bonds taken for vacant land in Allegany county,
£. 1, 165, 12 10; for marriage licenses, £. 1, 500 4 10 1/2; for ordinary, retailers, hawkers and pedlers licenses,
£6, 265 11 9; for fines, forfeitures and amerciaments, £. 1, 413 4 4 1/4; from the treasurer of the eastern shore,
£ 2, 619 2 1; from the president, directors and company, of the Bank of Baltimore, for dividends on stock,
£. 3, 385 2 6; from the president and directors of the Union Bank of Maryland, for dividends on stock,
£. 1, 351 10 0; from the president, directors and company, of the Farmers Bank of Maryland, for dividend on
stock, £. 2, 859 19 11 1/2; from the president and directors of the Mechanics Bank of Baltimore, for dividends
n stock, £. 468 15 0; from the president, directors and company, of the Hagar's-town Bank, for dividends on
stock, £. 135 12 6; from Benjamin Harwood, trustee, for dividends of interest and reimbursement of principal
on stock, £. 9, 119 9 2 1/2; from William Marbury, for a balance due from him on the auditor's books, £. 5, 054 7 10;
from the United States, for dividends of interest and reimbursement of principal on stock transferred to the
treasurer of the western shore, in behalf of and for the use of the state of Maryland, £. 22, 377 15 2 1/2.
It appears to your committee, that in conformity to a resolution of November session, 1807, the treasurer
has subscribed, on the part of the state of Maryland, three thousand two hundred shares in the Mechanics
Bank of Baltimore, on account of winch he has paid the sum of 40, 000 dollars, equal to twelve dollars and fifty
cents on each share; sixteen hundred shares in the Farmer's Bank of Maryland, for which he has paid the sum of
80, 000 dollars, and eight hundred shares in the Hagar's-town Bank, for which he has paid the sum of 20, 000 dollars.
It appears to your committee, that in conformity to a resolution of November session, 1806, the treasurer has
paid the sum of £, 375 17 6, in discharge of the bills of exchange drawn, and certificates issued, according to
an act of assembly, passed at November session, 1779, entitled, An act for catling out of circulation certain
bills of credit emitted by act of assembly, which bill of. exchange and certificates your committee have examined
and cancelled.
That it appears to your committee, by the accounts of said treasurer, he hath paid the sum of £. 135 9 4,
agreeably to the resolutions of November session, 1797, in discharge of the emissions of bills of credit of June,
1780, which emissions your committee have counted and burnt.
That it also appears to your committee, the said treasurer hath paid away from the first day of November,
1807, to the first day of November, 1808, the sum of £, 70 16 8, of the emissions of bills of credit made by an
act of congress of the 18th of March, 1780, and the sum of £. 46042 18 6, specie, for all which payments
have been produced to your committee the necessary vouchers and receipts, and that there remains in the trea-
sury the sum of 149, 897 dollars 35 cents funded six per cent, stock, 515, 202 dollars 95 cents deferred six per
cent, stock, 263, 472 dollars 26 cents funded three per cent, stock, 76, 500 dollars eight per cent, stock,
£. 2, 099 7 10 1/2 of the emissions of bills of credit made by an act of congress of the 18th of March, 1780, and
the sum of £. 34. 938 1 11 specie, which sum of specie is appropriated in the manner following, viz.
To the following appropriations, due 1st Nov. 1808.
By balance in the treasury, £. 34, 938 1 11 3/4
For the payment of the civil list and judiciary, £. 3, 451 17 6
For half pay due the officers and soldiers, 457 14 2
For payment of the journal of accounts, 1, 305 11 6
For Indian annuities, 243 15 0
To the armourer of the eastern shore, 7 10 0
To the armourer of the western shore, 96 0 0
To the adjutant-general and brigade inspectors, 304 7 6
To Allegany county school, 75 0 0
For the redemption of the bills of exchange
drawn, and certificates issued, according 2, 768 2 1
to an act of November session, 1779,
To balance, 26: 228 4 2|
34, 938 1 11 3/4
34, 938 1 11 3/4
By balance, 26, 228 4 2 3/4
From which sum deduct the amount of the journal of accounts for
the present session, Dolls. 30, 000, 1 1, 250 0 0
Leaving a surplus in the treasury, applicable to the expenses of the ensuing year, of £. 14, 978 4 2.
It also appears to your committee, that in conformity to an act of November session, 1802, entitled, An act
respecting the debts due to this state, and the debtors thereof, and for other purposes, the honourable the gover-
nor and council have sold confiscated property, and made a return thereof to the treasurer, amounting to
£. 36 7 6.
All which is submitted to the honourable house.
By order, S. DAVIDSON, clk.
Which was read.