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Journal of the House of Delegates, 1808
Volume 556, Page 5   View pdf image (33K)
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ORDERED, That a committee, to consist of ——, be appointed, to inquire into the expenses incurred in.
the execution by the governor and council of a resolve passed at November session, 1806, authorising them to
furnish the house of delegates with twenty-one desks; and that the said committee report to this house the dif-
ferent sums of money advanced, under the direction of the executive, in consequence of the said resolve, and
to whom, and at what time, and under what circumstances, the same were paid; and that the said committee
have power to send for persons, papers and records.

On motion, Leave given to bring in a bill, entitled, An act to repeal all such, parts of the act, entitled, An
act to regulate and discipline the militia of this state, as requires each noncommissioned officer and private lia-
ble to militia duty to arm himself with a good and serviceable firelock, and for other purposes. ORDERED,
That Mr. Dorsey, Mr. Chapman, Mr. Stansbury, Mr. Gale, Mr. J. H. Thomas, Mr. Boyle and Mr. Wilson,
be a committee to prepare and bring in the same.

The clerk of the senate delivers the bill to settle and ascertain the salary of the members of the council for
the ensuing year, endorsed, "will pass. " Ordered to be engrossed. Also a letter from the governor of Ma-
ryland, communicating the proceedings of the. executive, in pursuance of a resolution of the legislature autho-
rising the executive to purchase four thousand stand of small arms, and fifteen pieces of field artillery, enclosing
a resolution of the legislature of Virginia, proposing an alteration in the constitution of the United Slates,
and also a resolution of the general assembly of the state of Delaware, disapproving of a resolution of the le-
gislature of Vermont, proposing an alteration in the constitution of the United States; and a letter from the
secretary at war containing the president's requisition for the state of Maryland's quota of militia; which
Were read.

ORDERED, That Mr. Spencer and Mr. Bayly inform the reverend Mr. Wyatt, that the house request he will
perform Divine Service every morning at the meeting of the house.

The following message was read.

By the HOUSE of DELEGATES, November 8, 1808.

Gentlemen of the Senate,

WE propose to proceed immediately to, the appointment of a council to the governor, agreeably to your mes-
sage of this morning. Doctor Archibald Dorsey, Benjamin Hodges, Perry Benson, John L. Kerr and James
Frazier, are put in nomination by this house in addition to the nominated by you. We have appointed Mr.
Tilghman, and Mr. Dennis, to join the gentlemen appointed by you to examine the ballots and report thereon.

On motion, the question was put, That the first clause thereof be stricken out? Determined in the negative.

The message being read throughout, the question was put, That the house assent to the same? Resolved in
the affirmative, and sent to the senate by the clerk.

The house, having qualified agreeably to the constitution and form of government, proceeded to the choice of
a council to the governor; the ballots being deposited in the ballot box, the gentlemen named to strike retired,
and after sometime returned and reported, that James Butcher, Reverdy Ghiselin, Thomas W. Hall, Lewis Du-
vall and Benjamin Hodges, were elected. Whereupon,

RESOLVED, That James Butcher, Reverdy Ghiselin, Thomas W. Hall, Lewis. Duvall and Benjamin Hodges,
be, and they are hereby declared to be, the council to the governor.

The house adjourns until to-morrow morning. 9 o'clock.

WEDNESDAY November 9, 1808.
THE house met. Present, the same members as on yesterday., The proceedings of. yesterday were read.
The speaker laid before the house a letter from the trustee, enclosing an account current; of funded stock to
the 31st of October, 1808, inclusive, and an account current of interest and principal received on said stock.
Also a letter from the auditor, enclosing the western shore treasurer's account, as charged on the auditor's
books, from the 1st of November, 1807, to the 1st of November, 1808, and an estimate of the state debt to
the 1st of November, 1808; which were read, and referred to the committee of claims.

ORDERED, That Mr. Seth, Mr. Dorsey and Mr. Bland, be a committee to report such rules as are proper to
be observed during the session.

Mr, Joseph; Ennalls, A delegate returned for Dorchester county, appeared, and after qualifying in the mode
prescribed by the constitution and form of government, and taking an oath to support the constitution of the
United States, took his seat: in the house;

The house proceeded to ballot for a committee to inspect and examine the returns of elections, and to report

whether they have been made agreeably to the constitution and form of government; the ballots being deposit-
ed in the ballot box, the gentlemen named to strike retired, and after sometime returned and reported, that
Mr. Wilson, Mr. J. H. Thomas, Mr. Chapman, Mr. Frazier, Mr. Herbert, Mr. Cottman and Mr. Bland, were
elected. ORDERED, That they have power to send for persons, papers and records.

The house proceeded to ballot for five committee clerks; the ballots being deposited in the ballot box, the gen-
tlemen named to strike retired, and after sometime returned and reported, that Nicholas Martin, Robert Welch,
of Robert, Samuel Davidson and Samuel Loudermilk, were elected, and that David L. Jacob and Louis Gassa-
way had an equal number of votes.


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Journal of the House of Delegates, 1808
Volume 556, Page 5   View pdf image (33K)
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