THURSDAY December 1, 1808.
THE house met. Present the same members as on yesterday. The proceedings of yesterday were read.
The bill annulling the marriage therein mentioned, being supplementary to an act, entitled, An act for the
relief of Mary Gwinn, of Frederick county, the bill, authorising the appointment of commissioners to review
the public road leading through the lands of Elizabeth Charlton and Mary Sim, in Frederick county, the bill to
authorise and empower the levy court of Queen-Anne's county to assess and levy a sum of money for the pur-
poses therein mentioned, and the bill to remit certain forfeitures incurred under the act to incorporate a fire in-
surance company in the city of Baltimore, were sent to the senate by the clerk.
A petition from the congregation of Benjamin church, in Frederick county, praying for a lottery for the bene-
fit thereof, was. preferred, read, and referred to Mr. Baer, Mr. Sappington and Mr. J. Thomas, to consider and
report thereon.
A petition from the vestry of Saint-John's parish, in Prince-George's county, " praying that persons may be
appointed to ascertain and fix the lines and boundaries of the land belonging to said church, was preferred, read,
and referred to Mr, Beall, Mr. Herbert and Mr. Page, to consider and report thereon.
The further supplement to the act, entitled, An act relating to the public roads in the several counties there-
in mentioned, was read the second time, passed, and sent to the senate by the clerk.
A petition from Joshua Howard, of Frederick county, praying commissioners may be appointed to carry into
effect a law to lay out and open, at the expense of the petitioner, a road from the road leading from Charlton's
Gap to Baltimore-town to the mill of the petitioner, and from thence to intersect the aforesaid road to Balti-
more-town, was preferred, read, and referred to Mr. Sappington, Mr. Baer and Mr. J. Thomas, to consider and
report thereon.
Mr. Streett, from the committee, delivers to the speaker a bill, entitled, An act to lay out and make public
an old road in Harford county; which was read the first time and ordered to lie on the table.
The bill authorising George Robertson and Dorothy Robertson to convey certain lands therein mentioned,
was read the second time, passed, and sent to the senate by the clerk.
Mr. Angier, from the committee, delivers to the speaker a bill, entitled, An act annulling the marriage of
John Lamb, and Elizabeth Lamb his wife, of Kent county; which was read the first time and ordered to lie on
the table.
Mr. J. H. Thomas, from the committee, delivers to the speaker a bill, entitled, An act to confirm a sale of
land made by the executors of Henry Willis to Joseph Haines; which was read the first time and ordered to lie
on the table.
A petition from Stephen Dakes, and Jane his wife, praying a law may pass authorising the sale of the lands
of John Fitch, deceased, was preferred, read, and referred to Mr. Bayly, Mr. Cottman and Mr. Gale, to con-
sider and report thereon.
Mr. Hopper, from the committee, delivers to the speaker a bill, entitled, An act authorising Solomon Scott,
late sheriff of Queen-Anne's. county, to complete his collection; which was read the first time and ordered to
lie on the table.
A petition from John Herring, of Prince-George's county, praying that himself, his wife, his daughter and
her children, may be supported out of the poors house, was preferred, read, and referred to Mr. S. Thomas,
Mr. Carroll and Mr. Gaither, to consider and report thereon.
Mr. Scott has leave of absence.
The bill to repeal part of the seventh section of an act, entitled, A further supplement to an act, entitled,
An act for the regulation and improvement of Denton, in Caroline county, was read the second time, passed,
and sent to the Semite by the clerk.
The bill authorising Thomas J. Pattison, late sheriff and collector of Dorchester county, to complete his col-
lection, was read the second lime, passed, and sent to the senate by the clerk.
A petition from the president and managers of the Baltimore and York-town turnpike road company, praying
a law may pass to annul and set aside the valuation of the commissioners, and to make a re-valuation, was pre-
ferred, read, and referred to Mr. R. Steuart, Mr. Stansbury, Mr. Bland, Mr. Baer, Mr. Harryman, Mr. Hope-
well and Mr. Davis, to consider and report thereon.
Mr. Carroll and Mr. Hughlett appear in the house.
The house proceed. d to the second reading of the supplement to the act, entitled, An act to regulate and dis-
cipline the militia of this state, and, on motion, the question was put. That the word "three" be stricken out
of the first clause thereof, which ascertains the number of days for the meeting of companies? Resolved in the
The question was then pat, That the word " eight" be inserted in lieu of the word stricken out? The yeas
and nays being required, appeared as follow:
Angier Chapman Harryman Stevens Mitchell Boyle Young Tilghman
Brice Dorsey Randall Edmondson Hart Hopper K Steuart Gabby
Hodges Parnham Brown Seth Beall Spencer Bland Downey 26
P Stuart Stansbury