Volume 556, Page 29 View pdf image (33K) |
Hebb O Williams Gale Porter T N Williams Forwood Hughlett Veatch
So it was determined in the negative. The question was then put on the word " six. " Determined in the negative. The question was then put on " five. " Determined in the negative. The question was then put on " four. " The yeas and nays being required, appeared as follow: AFFIRMATIVE.
Neale O Williams Stevens Griffith Herbert T N Williams Bayard Bland
Hebb Grahame Edmondson Porter Wilson Forwood Downey Veatch The house being equally divided, it was declared in the affirmative by the speaker.
On progression, the question was put, That the following be inserted after the first clause? viz. " And be it AFFIRMATIVE.
Hebb Blake Chapman Ennalls Beall Sappington Sanders Hilleary Hopewell P Stuart Cottman Griffith J H Thomas Streett Veatch Reid 31 NEGATIVE.
Angier O Williams Brown Gale Page Wilson Hughlett Cabby
So it was determined in the negative.
On further progression, the question was put, That the words " and which authorise a justice of the peace AFFIRMATIVE.
Hebb Brice Blake Harryman Dennis J H Thomas Sanders Gaither Angier O Williams Stansbury Frazier Baer Streett K Steuart Reid 40 NEGATIVE.
Stuart Stevens Gale Porter Boyle T N Williams Tilghman Carroll
So it was resolved in the affirmative.
On further progression, the question was put, That the word " five" be stricken out of the following clause ? AFFIRMATIVE.
Brice Chapman Randall Griffith Hopper T N Williams Bland Downey
Hebb O Williams Edmondson Frazier Beall J Thomas Young Hilleary
So it as determined in the negative.
Volume 556, Page 29 View pdf image (33K) |
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