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Journal of the House of Delegates, 1808
Volume 556, Page 27   View pdf image (33K)
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Hebb Grahame Edmondson Ennalls Herbert Scott J H Thomas Gaither
Neale P Stuart Bayly Frazier Boyle Wilson Sappington S Thomas
Blakistone Chapman Gale Dennis Hopper Bennett J Thomas Hilleary
Hopewell Dorsey Cottman Griffith Spencer Baer Tilghman Reid 34
Hodges Stevens


Angier Merriken Randall Porter Beall Streett Young Downey
Brice Blake Brown Veazey Wright Sanders R Steuart Bowles
Moffitt Ireland Kerr Hart T N Williams Davis Bland Veatch
Belt Parnham Mitchell Page Forwood Bayard Gabby M'Mahon 24
O Williams Stansbury

The house being equally divided, it was declared in the affirmative by the speaker.

The question was then put, Shall the said bill pass? The yeas and nays being required, appeared as follow:


Hebb Hodges Stevens Cottman Porter Page Spencer Bennett
Angier O Williams Edmondson Dennis Veazey Boyle Scott Bayard
Brice Dorsey Kerr Griffith Halt Hopper Wilson Tilghman 27

Moffitt Parnham Gale


Neale Ireland Randall Mitchell Baer Streett Blind Veatch
Blakistone Grahame Brown Herbert J H Thomas Sanders Gabby Hilleary
Hopewell P Stuart Bayly Beall Sappington Davis Downey M'Mahon
Belt Chapman Ennalls Wright J Thomas Young Bowles Tomlinson
Merriken Stansbury Frazier T N Williams Forwood R Steuart S Thomas Reid 41

So it was determined in the negative,

On motion, the question was put, That leave be given to bring in a bill, entitled, An act to increase the sa-
lary of the chief justice of the Baltimore court of oyer and terminer and general gaol delivery? The yeas and
nays being required, appeared as follow:


Neale Grahame Edmondson Dennis Boyle Bennett Bayard Bowles
Blakistone P Stuart Kerr Griffith Hopper Baer Tilghman S Thomas
Hodges Chapman Bayly Mitchell Spencer J H Thomas Gabby Veatch
O Williams Dorsey Gale Herbert Wilson Sappington Downey Tomlinson 38
Blake Parnham Cottman Beall T N Williams J Thomas


Hebb Moffitt Randall Ennalls Veazey Scott Sanders R Steuart
Angier Ireland Brown Frazier Hart Forwood Davis Bland
Brice Stansbury Stevens Porter Wright Streett Young Hilleary 94

So it was resolved in the affirmative.

ORDERED, That Mr. Dorsey, Mr. Spencer and Mr. Tilghman, be a committee to prepare and bring in the

A petition from John Lamb, of Kent county, praying that the prayer of the petition of his wife Elizabeth,
praying for a divorce, may be granted, was preferred, read, and referred to the committee appointed on the
petition of the said Elizabeth Lamb.

A petition from Daniel Burch, of Worcester county, praying he may be enabled to keep an ordinary without
paying license therefor, was preferred, read, and referred to Mr. Wilson, Mr, Bennett and Mr. T. N. Willi-
ams, to consider and report thereon.

A petition from Harriet. G. Wynkoop, of Kent county, praying she may be authorised to remove negro slaves
from the state of Delaware into this state, was preferred, read, and referred to Mr. Angier, Mr. Moffit and
Mr. Brice, to consider and report thereon.

Mr. Ennalls, from the committee, delivers to the speaker a bill, entitled, A supplement to an act, entitled,
An act for the speedy recovery of small debts out of court, and to repeal the acts of assembly therein mention-
ed; which was read the first time and ordered to lie on the table.

Mr. J. H, Thomas, from the committee, delivers to the speaker a bill, entitled, An act to regulate the fees
of the register of the court of chancery; which was read the first time and ordered to lie on the table.

The bill authorising the appointment of commissioners to review the public road leading through the lands of
Elizabeth Charlton and Mary Sim, in Frederick county, was read the second time and passed.

The bill to remit certain forfeitures incurred under the act, entitled, An act to incorporate a fire insurance
company in the city of Baltimore, was read the second time, and the question put, Shall the said bill pass? Re-
solved in the affirmative.

The bill annulling the marriage therein mentioned, being supplementary to an act for the relief of Mary
Gwinn, of Frederick county, was read the second time, and the question put, Shall the said bill pass? Resolved
in the affirmative.

The house adjourns until to-morrow, morning 9 o'clock.


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Journal of the House of Delegates, 1808
Volume 556, Page 27   View pdf image (33K)
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