severally endorsed, " will not pass. " The bill authorising a lottery to raise a sum of money for the vestry of
St. John's parish, in Harford and Baltimore counties, the bill for the relief of Henry Waller, of Kent county,
the bill for the relief of Anne Terry, of Kent county, and the bill for the relief of John Hebb, of Saint-Mary's
county, severally endorsed, "will pass. " Ordered to be engrossed. The bill for the relief of Nathaniel L. Chew.,
Peter Miles and Robert Nesbit, of Baltimore county, endorsed, " will pass with the proposed amendments; "
Which amendments were read. And the resolution in favour of Jeremiah T. Chase, chief judge of the third.
judicial district, endorsed, "dissented from. "
Mr. Mitchell, from the committee, delivers to the speaker a bill, entitled, An act to authorise a lottery to
raise a sum of money for the purpose of finishing the Elkton academy, purchasing a philosophical apparatus for
the same, and for paving and improving the streets of Elkton, in Caecil county; which was read the first time
and ordered to lie on the table. On motion, ORDERED, That the petition of Joshua C. Higgins be withdrawn.
A petition from Jasper E. Tilly, late sheriff of Anne-Arundel county, praying time to complete his collections,
was preferred, read, and referred to Mr. Merriken, Mr. Belt and Mr. O. Williams, to consider and report thereon.
The resolution in favour of John Smith Brooks, was read the second time, assented to, and sent to the se-
nate by the clerk.
On the second reading of the bill to provide for the making passable through Baltimore county the public road
laid out from the city of Baltimore to the town of Belle-Air, in Harford county, the following amendments were
proposed and received to said bill, to wit:
1. After the word " county" in the second line of the first page insert "and the public road laid out from
"Gravelly Hill, on the Reister's town turnpike road, to Philemon Barne's plantation on the Frederick county
line. " 2. At the end of the first enacting clause add " and shall employ, at all times after the aforesaid day,
not less than two thirds in repairing and making; passable the aforesaid road leading from Gravelly Hill, on the
Reister's-town turnpike road, to Philemon Barne's plantation on the Frederick county line. " 3. At the end of
the bill add " And, whereas a part of said road leading from Gravelly Hill, on the Reister's-town turnpike road,
to Philemon Barne's plantation on the Frederick county line, is at present obstructed by several fences, and other
impediments; therefore, Be it enact-ed, That if the said owner or owners of the land through which the afore-
said road passes, shall net, on or before the first day of May nest, remove the obstructions to the same, the su-
pervisor shall, and he is hereby authorised and required, after giving ten days notice thereof, to proceed to open
and clear the said road; and it shall be the duty of the levy court aforesaid, on the application of any person or
persons who shall conceive himself, herself or themselves aggrieved by the opening and clearing the said road, to
appoint three respectable freeholders of the county, not interested in the same, who shall estimate and value the da-
mages sustained by the person or persons over or through whose land the said road shall pass, taking into consi-
deration all the advantages and disadvantages, if any, and such valuation as aforesaid shall be final and conclusive;
and the levy court aforesaid are hereby directed to levy, on the assessable property of said county, the amount of
such valuation as aforesaid, which shall be levied, collected and paid, to the person or persons in whose favour
the said valuation shall be made, in the same manner as other county charges are levied, collected and paid;
And be it enacted, That the persons appointed to value and ascertain the damages sustained by any person or
persons by virtue of this act, before they proceed to such valuation, shall take the following oath, or affirmation,
to wit: " I, A. B. do swear, or affirm, that I will, without partiality, value the damages sustained by ———— in
"consequence of ———— road passing through his land, to the best of my skill and judgment; so help me God. "
The said bill being read throughout, the question was put, Shall the said bill pass? Resolved in the affirma-
tive. Which was sent to the senate by the clerk.
Mr. Merriken, from the committee, delivers to the speaker a bill, entitled, An act authorising Jasper E. Til-
ly, late sheriff, of Anne-Arundel county, to complete his collection; which was read the first and second time
by especial order, passed, and sent to the senate by the clerk.
The house, according to the order of the day, proceeded to the second reading of the bill to increase the
allowance of the justices of the orphans courts in the several counties of this state, and the question was put,
That the words " and levy, " be inserted in the bill after the word " orphans?" Determined in the negative.
The question was then put, That the further consideration of the same be referred to the first day of "June
next? Resolved in the affirmative.
The following message was read, agreed to, and, with the bill therein mentioned, sent to the senate by the
By the HOUSE of DELEGATES, January 5, 1808.
Gentlemen ef the Senate,
WE return you the bill in favour of Robert Leatherbury, late sheriff of Somerset county, and beg leave to
call your attention particularly to the numerous and respectable list of subscribers attending his petition; and as
we can see no reasonable objection to make a remuneration to an officer for services imposed on him by law,
more especially when the opinion of the people on this subject is as unequivocally expressed as can be obtained
on any point not immediately submitted to their consideration, we therefore hope you will, on reconsideration,
pass it.
By order, J. BREWER, clk.