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Journal of the House of Delegates, 1807
Volume 555, Page 59   View pdf image (33K)
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The bill for the benefit of James Griffin, of Saint-Mary's county, was read the second time, passed, and sent
to the senate by the clerk.

The bill to prevent. swine from going at large in the town of Belle-Air, in Harford county, was read the
second time, and, on motion, the question was put, That the same be recommitted? Resolved in the affirmative.

A petition from the convention of the protestant episcopal church in Maryland, praying they may be vested
with corporate powers, was preferred, read, and referred to Mr. Shaaff, Mr. Bruce, Mr. Stone, Mr. T. Dorsey
and Mr. Gale, of Somerset, to consider and report thereon.

A petition from the convention of the protestant episcopal church in Maryland, praying the legislature to
adopt some measures to prevent gambling, was preferred, read, and referred to Mr. Shaaff, Mr. Biggs, Mr.
Tabbs, Mr. Muir and Mr. W. H. Brown, to consider and report thereon.

A memorial from Nicholas Brewer, register in chancery, stating, that the room occupied for his office is too
small, and praying that another in the west corner of the State-house may be finished for the said office, was pre
ferred, read, and referred to Mr. Kerr; Mr. Shaaff and Mr. Muir, to consider and report thereon.

The clerk of the senate delivers a memorial from Bishop Clagget, and others, the convention of the proles
tant episcopal church in Maryland, suggesting the impropriety of granting divorces; which was read. The bill
for the benefit of the joined evangelic Lutheran and evangelic presbyterian congregation of Saint-Paul s church
in Washington county, the bill to authorise the drawing of a lottery within the city of Baltimore for the pur-
pose therein mentioned, the supplement to the act, entitled, An act authorising a lottery for raising a sum of
money for the rector and vestry of Saint-Thomas's parish, in Baltimore county, the bill to confirm certain deeds
of conveyance made to Joseph Leonard, and other persons therein named, and the bill to enlarge the powers of
the trustees of the poor of Montgomery county, severally endorsed, " will pass. " Ordered to be engrossed.
The bill authorising a lottery. for raising: a sum of money for the purposes therein mentioned, endorsed, " will
not pass. " And the. resolution in. favour of Evan Willing, endorsed, " dissented from. "

On motion, Leave given to bring in a bill, entitled, A supplement to an act respecting runaway negroes, and
for other purposes. ORDERED,: That Mr Stone, Mr. Shaaff", Mr. T. Dorsey, Mr. Cox, and Mr. C. Dorsey,
be a committee to prepare and bring in the same..

The bill to layout, straighten and confirm. a certain road in Harford county, was read the second time, pass
ed, and sent to the senate, by the clerk.

Mr. J. Brown, from the. committee, delivers to the speaker a bill, entitled, An act to lay out and make public
a road in Queen-Anne's county; which was read the first time and ordered to lie on the table.

The house adjourns until to-morrow morning 9 o'clock.

TUESDAY, December 15, 1807.

THE house met. Present the same members as on yesterday. The proceedings of yesterday were read.

ORDERED, That Mr. Shaaff and Mr. Stone be added to the committee appointed on the petition of William
Gwinn, and the counter memorial of John Swan.

On motion, Leave given to bring in a bill, entitled, A further supplement to an act, entitled, An act to alter
the mode of collecting the county tax in Harford county, and for other purposes. ORDERED, That Mr. Streett,
Mr. Ayres and Mr. Davis, be a committee to prepare and brine; in the same.

The clerk of the senate delivers the bill to open and make public a road to Graceham, in Frederick county,
and the bill to lay out and make a public road in Baltimore county, severally endorsed, " will pass. " Ordered
to be engrossed. And a bill, entitled, A further supplement to the act, entitled, An act relating to the public
roads in Queen-Anne's county, endorsed, " will pass; " which was read the first time and ordered to lie on the

A petition from sundry inhabitants of the eastern precincts -of Baltimore, counter to the petition for the en-
largement of the city of Baltimore, was preferred, read, and referred to the committee appointed on the peti-
tion to which it is counter.

The supplement to the act, entitled, An act to open and extend a road leading from Whittingham's bridge, at
Princess-Anne-town, in Somerset county, to the plantation of George Pollitt, deceased, until it intersects the
road leading from Salisbury to Stevens's ferry, at the plantation of Joshua Morris, was read the second time,
passed, and sent to the senate by the clerk.

ORDERED, That the second reading of the bill to regulate and discipline the militia of this state, be postponed
until to-morrow,

A petition from George Fitzhugh, of Baltimore county, praying a compensation for a negro man belonging to
him, who was committed to gaol for an attempt to murder, and escaped therefrom, was preferred, read, and re-
ferred to Mr. Harryman, Mr. Shaaff, Mr. M. Brown, Mr. Callis and Mr. Little, to consider and report thereon.

A petition from sundry inhabitants of Prince-George's county, praying a road from James Crawford's gate to
intersect the main road leading from Annapolis to Bladensburgh, by Jonathan Beall's, was preferred, read, and
referred to Mr. Page, Mr. Hall and Mr; B. Hodges, to consider and report thereon.

A petition from the Grand Lodge of Maryland, stating, that a law passed in the year 1805, authorising a lot-
tery for the benefit of said lodge, and praying that certain persons may be authorised to carry the same into


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Journal of the House of Delegates, 1807
Volume 555, Page 59   View pdf image (33K)
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