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Journal of the House of Delegates, 1807
Volume 555, Page 58   View pdf image (33K)
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can issue for said land, in as much as the said Swan denies making any assignment of the warrant, .and praying
relief, was preferred, read, and referred to Mr. Briscoe, Mr. Bruce and Mr. Greenwell, to consider and report

A petition from William Kerr, of Baltimore county, praying a special act of insolvency, was .preferred, read,
and referred to Mr. Harryman, Mr. Little and Mr. M. Brown, to consider and report thereon.

ORDERED, That the report on the petition of Jeremiah T. Chase be recommitted for amendment.

Mr. W. H. Brown, from the committee, delivers to the speaker the following report.:

THE committee to whom was referred the report of the trustees of Charlotte Hall school, beg leave to
report, that they have taken the same into their consideration, and ate of opinion that the facts therein stated
are correct, and that the unavoidable expense incurred by the institution in finishing the necessary buildings for
the reception of a great number of scholars, has placed the same under some temporary embarrassments, that
the donation granted by the liberality of the state has not been able wholly to obviate. They further report,
that the school is now in a flourishing state, and promises to diffuse the blessings of education to a considerable
portion of the citizens of this state. Under this impression, the committee can but suggest the propriety of ac-
ceding to the prayer of the trustees of the said school, as without some further aid from the legislature, the ob-
ject of the appropriation heretofore granted to the institution, will in a manner be defeated; the committee
therefore respectfully submit the following resolution to the consideration of the house.

RESOLVED, That this state will forego the claim of sixty pounds interest on the loan of one thousand pounds
to the trustees of Charlotte Hall school, until such time as the legislature of this state shall find it expedient to
demand the same.

Which was read.

A petition from Martha Gandy, of Frederick county, praying a divorce, was preferred, read, and referred to
Mr. Biggs, Mr. Hawkins and Mr. Kuhn, to considering report thereon.

A petition from sundry inhabitants of the village of Denton, in Caroline county, praying additional powers
to the commissioners thereof, and that the money arising from licenses to retailers of spirituous liquors be ap-
plied to the beneht of said village, was preferred, read, and referred to Mr. Holbrook, Mr. Kerr, Mr. Jump,
Mr. Bayard and Mr. Boon, to consider and report thereon.
Mr. Shaaff, from the committee, delivers to the speaker the following report, as amended.

THE committee to whom was referred, the memorial of Jeremiah Townley Chase, chief judge of the third
judicial district, report, that they have taken the same under consideration, and are of opinion that the applica-
tion of the memorialist is reasonable, and ought to be granted.

The committee further report, that an act passed the last session of assembly, entitled, An act concerning
the chancery court, by which certain chancery duties were imposed upon the chief judge of the third judicial
district, or the court thereof, at the election of the complainant, and by the said law the chancellor is autho-
rised to require the opinion of the said judge on any question of law which may arise in chancery, and in which,
according to the usual practice, such opinion may be thought necessary; these duties are, .in the opinion of the
committee, in no manner connected with the office of the memorialist, and ought not to be required of him
without an adequate compensation," and no compensation has yet been made by the legislature. The committee,
for these reasons, think that the following resolution ought to be adopted by the

Whereas certain duties are imposed upon the chief judge of the third judicial district by an act passed at the
last session of assembly, entitled, An act concerning the chancery court, which duties are wholly unconnected
with the office of the said judge; and it being proper to make some compensation for the said service, therefore
RESOLVED, That —————— dollars be added to the salary of the chief judge of the third judicial district, to
commence from the passage of the act concerning the chancery court, as a compensation for his services, per.
formed or to be performed, under the said act; and that the treasurer of the western shore pay the same quar-
terly to the said chief judge, or to his order, out of any unappropriated money in the treasury.

All which is submitted.

By order, D. L. JACOB, clk.
Which was read.

ORDERED, That the same have a second reading on Friday next.

The house adjourns until Monday morning 9 o'clock.

MONDAY, December 14, 1807.

THE house met. Present the same .members as on Saturday, except the speaker.

The house proceeded to ballot for a speaker, pro tem. and the ballots being deposited in the ballot box, on
examination thereof it appeared, that Levin Winder, Esquire, was unanimously elected.

The proceedings of Saturday were read.

A petition from William Rose, James Booker and Philemon Willis, praying to be released as securities of
William S. Bond, for the purchase of land by him from the state, on their relinquishing their title thereto, was
referred, read, and referred to Mr. Stevens, Mr. Bruce, Mr. Greenwell, Mr. Kerr and Mr. Sudler, to con-
sider and report thereon.


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Journal of the House of Delegates, 1807
Volume 555, Page 58   View pdf image (33K)
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