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Journal of the House of Delegates, 1807
Volume 555, Page 57   View pdf image (33K)
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The house proceeded to the second reading of the said bill, and on progression, the question was put, That
the words " under such limitations and conditions ac the mayor and city council shall by ordinance direct and
appoint, " be inserted after the word " Baltimore" in the first clause? The yeas and nays being required, ap-
peared as follow:

Messieurs T. Dorsey, Bowles. 2.


W. H. Brown, Merriken, M. Brown, King, Porter, Dashiell, Ayres, Darne,
Blakistone, Emerson, Kerr, Winder, Callis, Biggs, Holbrook, Ray
Gardiner, Grahame, P. Spencer, Dennis, Shaaff, Kuhn, Bayard. Linthicum,
W. Moffitt, Reynolds, Seth, Ennalls, Sudler, Shriver, Steuart, Bruce
Gale, of Kent, C. Dorsey. Stevens, Frazier, J. Williams, Streett, Tabbs, Tomlinson
Welch, Rogerson, Gale, of Som. Henry, Sturgis, Forwood, Gabby, Greenwell
Brice, Little, Jackson, T. Moffit, Robins, Davis, Carroll, Briscoe. 58.
O. Williams, Harryman,

So it was determined in the negative.

The question was then put, Shall the said bill pass? Resolved in the affirmative.

The house adjourns until to-morrow morning 9 o'clock.

SATURDAY, December 12, 1807.

THE house met. Present the same members as on yesterday. The proceedings of yesterday were read.

The supplement to the act, entitled, An act authorising a lottery for raising a sum of money for the rector
and vestry of Saint-Thomas's parish, in Baltimore county, was sent to the senate by the clerk.

A petition from Solomon Alien, of Baltimore county, praying a special act of insolvency, was preferred, read
and referred to Mr. Harryman, Mr, T. Dorsey, Mr. Little, Mr. M. Brown and Mr. Steuart, to consider and
report thereon.

ORDERED, That the bill for the extension of Pratt-street in the city of Baltimore, have a second reading on
Thursday next.

ORDERED, That the report on the memorial of Jeremiah T. Chase have a second reading on Friday next.

A memorial from Matthew Hopkins, register of wills for Worcester county, praying certain papers in his
office may be recorded, was preferred, read, and referred to Mr, J, Williams, Mr. Sturgis and Mr. Dashiell to
consider and report thereon.

MT. T. Moffit, from the committee, delivers to the speaker the following report:

THE committee to whom was referred the petition of Letitia Crookshanks, the widow of John Crookshanks
late of Caecil county, deceased, one of the securities of Patrick Hamilton, late sheriff and collector of Caecil
county, beg leave to report, that they have taken the petitioner's case into their serious consideration, and are
of opinion she is entitled to the relief prayed for; they therefore recommend the following resolution:

RESOLVED, That all proceedings against Letitia Crookshanks, and her securities, on a judgment obtained
against them at the suit of the state, be stayed, and the bond given up to them, upon their paying all costs of
suit incurred in obtaining said judgment

By order,. G. WINCHESTER, clk.
Which was read.

The clerk of the senate delivers the bill for the relief of Mary Gwinn, of Frederick county, with the fol-
lowing message:

By the SENATE, December 11, 1807.
Gentlemen of the House of Delegates,

WE have received your message of the 7th inst, accompanied by a bill, entitled, An act for the relief of
Mary Gwinn, of Frederick county, desiring a reconsideration of the amendments made by the senate. We as-
sure you that the senate did not act on the bill without due deliberation, therefore decline receding therefrom.

By order, T. ROGERS, clk.

Which was read.

Also the bill authorising Alexis Boone, late sheriff of Prince-George's county, to complete his collection en-
dorsed, " will pass with the proposed amendment; " which amendment was read.

Mr. Holbrook, from the committee, delivers to the speaker a bill, entitled, An act to build a bridge and open
a road in Caroline county; which was read the first time and ordered to lie on the table.

Mr. Harryman, from the committee, delivers to the speaker a bill, entitled, An act authorising a lottery to
raise a sum of money for the vestry of St. John's parish, in Harford and Baltimore counties; which was read
the first time and ordered to lie on the table.

The bill to open and make public a road to Graceham, in Frederick county, was read the second time, passed,
and sent to the senate by the clerk.

A petition from George P. Hinckle, of Allegany county, stating that he purchased of Thomas Beall, of Sa-
muel, a tract of land surveyed for him by virtue of part of a warrant obtained by John Swan, but that no patent


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Journal of the House of Delegates, 1807
Volume 555, Page 57   View pdf image (33K)
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