THE committee to whom was referred, the petition of John Maloy, of Caecil county, beg leave to report,
that they have taken his case into consideration, and are of opinion that from his age and infirmities he is justly
entitled to claim the assistance of this house; they therefore recommend the following resolution:
RESOLVED, That the several county courts on the eastern and western shore respectively, do and they are
hereby authorised and required, upon the application of John Maloy, of Caecil county, to grant him, from year
to year, during his life, a license to hawk and peddle, without his, the said John Maloy, paying any thing there-
By order, G. WINCHESTER, clk.
Which was read.
The bill to provide for transcribing and recording certain records and papers in the register's office of Kent
county, was read the second time and passed.
The clerk of the senate delivers the bill annulling the marriage of Brittania Marshall, of Dorchester county,
endorsed, " on reconsideration will pass. " Ordered to be engrossed. And the bill for the relief of Robert Lea-
therbury, late sheriff of Somerset county, endorsed, " will not pass. "
The house, according to the order of the day, proceeded to the second reading of the bill for quieting posses
sions, and securing and confirming the estates of purchasers, and, on progression in reading the same, the
question was put, That the words " femes-covert" be stricken out of the preamble thereof; Determined in
the negative.
On motion, That the following be added to said bill, viz. " or to any case or cases now depending undeter-
mined in any of the courts of law or equity in this state, or to make good and valid any deed of a feme-covert,
where the purchase money for the land intended to be conveyed by the said deed has not been fully and bona
fide paid, " the question was put, That the further consideration of the same be postponed until to-morrow ?
Determined in the negative.
The question was again put, That the same be postponed until to-morrow? The yeas and nays being required,
appeared as follow:
W. H. Brown, Merriken, Stone, Kerr, Winder, Henry, J. E Spencer, Ray,
Blakistone, Blake, C Dorsey, Gale, of Som. King, Callis, Sudler, Linthicum,
Gardiner, Emerson, Green, Jackson, Dennis, Shaaff, Carroll, Bruce. 17.
Hopewell, Grahame, Rogerson,
W. Moffitt. O Williams, Stevens, Porter, Dashiell, Streett, T. Dorsey, Gabby,
Gale, of Kent, Lillie, Ennalls, Page, Biggs, Ayres, Steuart, Darne,
Welch, Harryman, Frazier, B. Hodges, Hawkins, Davis, Bowles, Tomlinson,
Brice, M. Brown, Mitchell, J. Williams, Kuhn, Bayard, Schnebly; Greenwell,
Belt, P. Spencer, Cox, Sturgis, Shriver, Jump, Tabbs, Briscoe; 40
C. D. Hodges, Seth, T. Moffit, Robins,
So it was determined in the negative;
The question was then put, That the house now adjourn? Determined in the negative.
The question was then put, That the house agree to the said amendment? The yeas and nays being required,
appeared as follow:
W. H. Brown, Hopewell. Blake, Green, Winder, Callis. J. Williams, Linthicum,
Blakistone, Gale, of Kent, Emerson, Rogerson, King, Shaaff, Carroll, Bruce. 23
Gardiner, Merriken, C. Dorsey, Galt, of Som. Henry, J. E. Spencer, Ray,
W. Moffitt, Little, Stevens, T. Moffit, Robins. Streett, T. Dorsey, Gabby,
Welch, Harryman, Dennis. Porter; Dashiell, Ayres, Steuart, Darne,
Brice, M. Brown, Ennalls, Page, Biggs, Davis, Bowles, Tomlinson,
Belt, Kerr, Mitchell, B. Hodges, Kuhn, Bayard, Schnebly, Greenwell,
C. D. Hodges, P. Spencer, Cox, Sturgis, Shriver, Jump, Tabbs, Briscoe. 41.
O. Williams, Seth,
So it was determined in the negative.
The question was then put, That the house now adjourn? Determined in the negative.
The question was then put, Shall the said bill pass? The yeas and nays being required, appeared as follow?
Gardiner, O. Williams, Harryman, Dennis, Page, Kuhn, Jump, Gabby,
W. Moffitt, Merriken, M Brown, Ennalls, J Williams, Shriver, T Dorsey, Darne,
Welch, Emerson, Kerr, Henry, Sturgis, Streett, Steuart, Bruce,
Brice, Green, P Spencer, Cox, Robins, Ayres, Bowles, Tomlinson,
Belt, Rogerson, Seth, T. Moffit, Dashiell, Davis, Schnebly, Greenwell,
C D. Hodges, Little, Stevens, Porter, Biggs, Bayard, Tabbs, Briscoe. 43.
W. H. Brown, Gale, of Kent, Stone, Gale, of Som. King, B. Hodges, J. E. Spencer, Hawkins,
Blakistone, Blake, C. Dorsey, Jackson, Callis, Shaaff, Sudler, Carroll. 37.
So it was resolved in the affirmative.
The house. adjourns until tomorrow morning 9 o'clock