W. Moffitt, Merriken, P. Spencer, Ennalls, Porter, Dashiell, Jump, Gabby,
Welch, Little, Seth, Henry, Sudler, Biggs, T. Dorsey, Tomlinson,
Brice, Harryman, Stevens, Mitchell, J. Williams, Streett, Steuart, Greenwell,
Belt, M. Brown, Winder, T. Moffit, Robins, Bayard. abbs, Briscoe. 34.
O. Williams, Kerr,
So it was determined in the negative.
ORDERED, That the said memorial lie on the table.
Mr. Davis, from the committee, delivers to the speaker a bill, entitled, An act to lay out, streighten and
confirm, a certain road in Harford county; which was read the first time and ordered to lie en the table.
The further supplement to the act, entitled, An act to incorporate companies to make several turnpike road
through Baltimore county, and for other purposes, was read the second time and passed.
The bill for the sale of the real estate of James Winchester, late of Baltimore county, deceased, was read
the second time and passed.
The house adjourns until to-morrow morning 9 o'clock.
THURSDAY, December 3, 1807.
THE house met. Present the same members as on yesterday. The proceedings of yesterday were read.
The bill authorising Benjamin Ray, late sheriff and collector of Montgomery county, to complete his collec-
tion, the bill to extend Centre-street, in the northern precincts of the city of Baltimore, and to build a bridge
across Jones's Falls, the further supplement to the act, entitled, An act to incorporate companies to make several
turnpike roads through Baltimore county, and for other purposes, the bill for the sale of the real estate of James
Winchester, late of Baltimore county, deceased, and the resolution in favour of William Amos, were sent to
the senate by the clerk.
Mr. Robert Dennis, a delegate returned for Dorchester county, appeared; and after qualifying in the mode
prescribed by the constitution and form of government, and taking the oath te support the constitution of the
United States, took his seat in the house.
The following message being read and agreed to, was sent to the senate by the clerk.
By. the. HOUSE of DELEGATES, Decembers, 1807.
Gentlemen of the Senate:
WE propose, agreeable to the order of the day, to proceed immediately to the election of two directors on
the part of this state in the Union Bank of Maryland. Peter Fornay, Samuel G. Griffith, Samuel Howard and
Samuel Briscoe, are put in nomination by this house in addition to those nominated by you. Mr. Sudler and Mr.
Hopewell are appointed by this house to join the gentlemen named in your message to examine the ballots.
By order, J. BREWER, clk.
The house proceeded to ballot for two directors in the Union Bank of Maryland; the ballots being deposited
in the ballot box, the gentlemen named to strike retired, and after sometime returned and reported, that Samuel
Wright only, was elected. Whereupon
RESOLVED, That Samuel Wright be,. and he is hereby declared to be, a director on behalf of this state for the
ensuing year in the Union Bank of Maryland.
The house proceeded to ballot for another director in the Union Bank of Maryland; the ballots being depo-
sited in the ballot bos, the gentlemen named to strike retired, and after sometime returned and reported, that
Thomas Dickson was elected. Whereupon
RESOLVED, That Thomas Dickson be, and he is hereby declared to be, a director on behalf of this state for
the ensuing year in the Union Bank of Maryland.
A petition from sundry inhabitants of the city of Baltimore, praying for a law authorising the city commis-
sioners. to establish the dividing lines between their respective lots, situate on the south side of Philpot-street
between Thames-street and Point-street, without having regard to the record plot thereof, was preferred, read,
and referred to Mr. T. Dorsey, Mr. Steuart and Mr. Little, to consider and report thereon.
Mr. Bowles, from the committee, delivers to the speaker the following report:
THE committee to whom was referred the petition of certain persons, alleging themselves to be the heirs of
a certain Jean Baptist Chirac, beg leave to report, that they have examined and considered the said petition and
vouchers attending the same, and foregoing the expression of an opinion either upon the testimony adduced, or
the law arising thereon, your committee are of opinion that the existing laws of the state are competent to ad-
minister full and complete justice to the petitioners; they therefore report that the petitioners have leave to
withdraw their petition. All which is submitted.
By order, D. L. JACOB, clk.
Which was read the first and second time by especial order and concurred with.
Mr. T. Dorsey, from the committee, delivers to the speaker a bill, entitled, An act to authorise the drawing
of a lottery within the city of Baltimore for the purpose therein mentioned, and a bill, entitled, An act for the
relief of James West, as insolvent debtor; which were read the first time and ordered to lie on the table.