The additional supplement to an act, entitled, An act to extend the powers of the levy court of Allegany
county relative to roads in said county, was read the second time and passed.
The clerk of the senate delivers the following message:
BY THE SENATE, December 26, 1805.
WE have received your message of the 21st inst, with the resolutions therein referred to. We do not dis-
cover any new evidence on the subject of the resolutions accompanying your message to induce us to alter our
opinion. Permit us to observe, that our decision on the subject was the result of much reflection and mature
deliberation, after taking into view the finances of the state and the situation of the petitioners, as well as the
many years indulgence heretofore granted to the said petitioners. We have therefore determined not to recon-
sider the resolutions.
By order, T. W. HALL, clk.
Which was read.
Also a letter from the executive informing the legislature of the resignation of Thomas Belt, register of wills
of Washington county. The resolution in favour of Charles Gardiner, endorsed, " dissented from. " The bill
to streighten the road leading into Howard-street in the city of Baltimore, the bill for the benefit of Grafton
Duvall, of Prince-George's county, the supplement to an act, entitled, An act for introducing a copious supply
of wholesome water into the city of Baltimore, severally endorsed, " will pass with the proposed amendments; "
which amendments were read. Also the bill to prevent persons from staking out seines across the rivers Trans-
quakin and Chickwiccomico, in Dorchester county, the bill to alter and change the name of William Sentee, of
Harford county, to the name of Carlen, and the bill to continue the act therein mentioned, severally endorsed,
" will pass; " which were ordered to be engrossed. And a list of taxes arising on proceedings in chancery for
the last year; which was read and ordered to lie on the table.
On motion, the question was put, That the bill to provide for rendering passable through Baltimore county
the public road leading from the city of Baltimore by Belle-Air, in Harford county, to Peach Bottom Ferry,
on the river Susquehanna, now have a second reading? Determined in the negative.
A petition from Solomon Jones, of Dorchester county, praying a law may pass authorising the levy court of
said county to levy a sum of money for the support of himself and wife, was preferred, read, and referred to
Mr. Frazier, Mr. Ward and Mr. Ennalls, to consider and report thereon.
The additional supplement to ar. act, entitled, An act to extend the powers of the levy court of Allegany
county relative to roads in said county, the bill authorising Jacob Schnebly, late collector of Washington coun-
ty, to complete his collection, and the bill to authorise and empower the levy court of Baltimore county to levy
a sum of money for the purpose therein mentioned, were sent to the senate by the clerk.
The following message being agreed to, was sent to the senate by the clerk.
BY THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES, December 27, 1805.
THE office of register of wills in Washington county being vacant, we propose, with the concurrence of
your house, to proceed immediately to an election to supply the vacancy. George C. Smoot is put in nominati-
on by this house. We have nominated Mr. Bruce and Mr. Bowles, on the part of this house, to join such gen-
tlemen as may be appointed by your house for the purpose of counting the ballots.
By order, J. BREWER, clk.
ORDERED, That the printer to the state furnish each member of the levy court, who are not justices of the
peace, with a copy of the acts of assembly passed the present session.
On motion. Leave given to bring in a bill, entitled, An act to declare what shall be evidence in certain cases
therein mentioned. ORDERED, That Mr. Shaaff, Mr. Ellicott and Mr. Stephen, be a committee to prepare and
bring in the same.
Mr. Shaaff, from the committee, delivers to the speaker a bill, entitled, An act to declare what shall be evi-
dence in certain cases therein mentioned; which was read the first time and ordered to lie on the table.
A petition from William Tibbies, of Talbot county, praying to be compensated for his expences in recover-
ing three negroes who broke gaol while he was gaoler for said county, was preferred, read, and referred to Mr.
Dickinson, Mr. Lloyd and Mr. Stephen, to consider and report thereon.
The clerk of the senate delivers the following message:
BY THE SENATE, December 27, 1805.
\VE agree to proceed immediately to ballot for a person to be recommended as register of wills for Washing-
ton county, as proposed in your message of this day. No person is put in nomination by the senate in addition
to the gentleman proposed by your house. We have appointed Mr. Ringgold and Mr. Williams to join the
gentlemen named by you in counting the ballots.
By order, T. W. HALL, clk.
Which was read.
Also the further additional supplement to an act, entitled, An act to establish a market in Frederick-town, in
Frederick county, and for the regulation of the said market, endorsed, " will pass with the proposed amend-