rates, four sergeants, four corporals, one drummer, and one fifer or bugler; therefore, Be it enacted, That the
said enrolment and arrangement shall be and the same is hereby confirmed. " Resolved in the affirmative.
On motion, ORDERED,. That the said bill be recommitted for amendment.
On motion, Leave given to bring in a bill, entitled, A supplement to an act, entitled, An act to authorise
the levy court of Baltimore county to establish two additional warehouses in the city of Baltimore for the in-
spection of tobacco. ORDERED, That Mr. Stephen, Mr. Lemmon and Mr. Ogden; be a committee to prepare
and bring in the same.
On motion, Leave given to bring in a bill for the relief of Richard Waters, of William, Ezekiel Gilliss and
Richard Minish,, insolvent debtors^ of Somerset county. ORDERED, That Mr. Jackson, Mr. Cottman and Mr.
Bayly, be a committee to prepare and Bring in the same.
The bill to authorise and empower the levy court of Baltimore county to assess and levy a sum of money for
the purpose therein mentioned, the bill to continue the act therein mentioned, the resolution in favour of John
Newton, the resolution in favour of Philip Key, of Saint-Mary's county, and the resolution in favour of John
B. Beall, of Allegany county, were sent to the senate by the clerk.
On motion, Leave given to bring in a bill to be entitled, An act to authorise the trustees of the poor of Bal-
timore county to dispose of, in lots, the alms-house property of said county, and for other purposes. ORDERED,
That Mr. Ogden, Mr. Stephen and Mr. Lemmon, be a. committee to prepare and bring in the same.
The clerk of the. senate delivers a bill, entitled, A supplement to an act, entitled, An act to prevent the ex-
portation of flour not merchantable, and unsound salted provisions, from the port of Havre-de-Grace, endorsed,
" will pass; " which was read the first time and ordered to lie on the table. And the bill to lay out and open
a road in Harford county, endorsed, " will pass with the proposed amendments; " which amendments were read
the first and second time by especial order, agreed to, and the bill ordered to be engrossed.
Mr. M'Pherson, from the committee, delivers to the speaker a bill, entitled, An act to authorise Baltimore
county court to remove the case therein mentioned; which was read the first time and ordered to lie on the table.
Mr. Lloyd, from the committee, delivers, to the speaker a bill, entitled, An act tor the relief of Anne Rey-
nolds', of Talbot county; which was read. the first time and ordered to lie on the table,
The house adjourns, until to-morrow morning 9 o'clock.
TUESDAY, December 17, 1805.
THE house met.. Present the same members as on yesterday, except Mr. Holbrook, Mr. Smoot and Mr.
Street; The proceedings of yesterday were read. Mr. R. Mackall appears in the house.
Mr. M'Pherson, from the committee, delivers to the speaker the following report:
THE committee to whom was referred the petition of Charles Gardiner, of Charles county, report, that they
have taken the same into consideration, and believe the facts therein stated to be true; they are therefore of
opinion, that as the petitioner has paid into the treasury the sum of five hundred and thirty-four pounds nine
shillings and four-pence halfpenny, in consequence of his father having been security for Benjamin Cawood,
former sheriff and collector of public taxes for Charles county, who is since insolvent, it would be reasonable
and just to indulge the petitioner for the balance due until the first day of December next; they therefore sub-
mit the following resolution:
RESOLVED, That all proceedings against Charles Gardiner, and others, for the recovery of the balance due
by him to the state of Maryland, be and they are hereby suspended until after the —— day of ————. next,
and that the said Charles Gardiner be and he is hereby indulged in the payment of the said balance till the pe-
riod before mentioned; provided that the judgment aforesaid shall continue and be in full force, notwithstanding
the suspension of proceedings directed by this resolution, and if the balance that will then be due on the afore-
said judgment be not paid by the time aforesaid, an execution may again be issued against the said Charles Gar--
diner to enforce the payment thereof.
By order, L. GASSAWAY; clk.
Which was read.
The bill to lay out and open a certain road in Harford county, was read the second time and passed.
Mr. Lemmon, from the committee, delivers to the speaker a bill, entitled, An act to authorise and empower
the levy court of Baltimore county to assess and levy a sum of money for the purpose therein mentioned; which
Was read the first time, and ordered to lie on the table.
Petitions from Edward Oldham, of Caecil county, Samuel Coates, junior, of Frederick county, and John
Bruff, of Somerset county, praying acts of insolvency, were preferred, read, and referred co the committee ap-
pointed on petitions of a similar nature.
Mr. Carroll, from the committee, delivers to the speaker a bill, entitled, An act to alter the time of the
meeting of the general assembly, of. this state, and for other purposes; which was read the first time and or-
dered to lie on the table.
A petition from Martha Hall, administratrix of Edward Hall, of Anne-Arundel county, deceased, stating,
that at April term, 1795, she obtained from Anne-Arundel county court a judgment for attachment for the sum