To the following appropriations due 1st
of Nov. 1805.
By balance of specie in the treasury, 31, 075 18 8 1/4
For the payment of the civil list,..
3, 644 7 6
For half pay due to the officers and soldiers
335 15 7 1/2
For the journals of accounts,...
1, 258 8 11
For Indian annuities,.....
131 11 3
To the armourer of the eastern shore,
15 0 0
To the armourer of the western shore,
96 0 0
5, 481 3 3 1/2
To balance,.
25, 594 15 4 3/4
31, 075 18 8 1/4
31, 075 188 1/4
By balance,...... 25, 594 15 4 3/4
From which sum deduct the amount payable to the jurymen of the general court,
western shore, at October term, 1805, 1, 250
For the amount of the journal of accounts for the present session, 11, 250
———— 12, 500 0 0
Leaving a surplus in the treasury, applicable to the expences for the ensuing year,
the sum of £13, 094 15 4 3/4
It also appears to your committee, that in conformity to the act of November session, 1802, entitled, An act
respecting the debts due to this state and the debtors thereof, and for other purposes, the honourable the go-
vernor and council have caused bonds to be taken and deposited with the treasurer amounting to £1, 043 2 5.
All which is submitted to the honourable house.
By order, N. MARTIN, Jun. clk.
Which was read and ordered to lie on the table.
Mr. Kuhn, from the committee, delivers to the speaker a bill, entitled, An act authorising Lawrence Bren-
gle, late collector of Frederick county, to complete his collections; which was read the first time and ordered
to lie on the table.
A petition from Horatio Johnson, of the city of Baltimore, praying an act of insolvency, was preferred, read,
and referred to the committee appointed on petitions of a similar nature.
On motion, ORDERED, That the committee of claims procure weekly one copy of the Maryland Gazette for
each member of the legislature.
Mr. Carroll, from the committee, delivers to the speaker a bill, entitled, An act for the relief of Thomas
Webb, of Montgomery county; which was read the first time and ordered to lie on the table.
A petition from sundry inhabitants of Harford county, stating, that a law passed last session appointing com-
missioners to lay out and open a road from a place called Darlington, in said county, to a place known by the
name of Stump's Old Fields, and praying that a law may pass appointing commissioners of review, giving them
power of altering the said road, if necessary, and to assess the damages that may be sustained by the same, and
to give the levy court the power of confirming or rejecting the plot to be returned by the commissioners afore-
said, was preferred, read, and referred to Mr. Forwood, Mr. Montgomery and Mr. Ayres, to consider and
report thereon.
The house adjourns until to-morrow morning 9 o'clock.
THURSDAY, November 14, 1805.
THE house met. Present the same members as on yesterday. The proceedings of yesterday were read.
On motion, Leave given to bring in a bill, entitled, A supplement to the act, entitled, An act to lay out and
establish a road from the city of Annapolis to the city of Washington, and to repeal the act of assembly there-
in mentioned. ORDERED, That Mr. Van-Horn, Mr. Hall and Mr. Callis, be a committee to prepare and bring
in the same.
A petition from sundry inhabitants of Saint-Mary's county, praying that a law may pass regulating the tolls
to be received by millers, and to compel them to keep weights regulated by the standard of the county, was
preferred, read, and referred to Mr. Leigh, Mr. Neale, Mr. Van-Horn, Mr. Plater, Mr. R. Mackall, Mr.
Hebb and Mr. M'Pherson, to consider and report thereon.
Petitions from Joseph Bruff, of Somerset county, and Thomas A. Vaughan, of Baltimore county, praying acts
of insolvency, were preferred, read, and referred to the committee appointed on petitions of a similar nature.
A petition from John B. Colvin, of Frederick county, praying that the legislature would order to be sub-
scribed for, or purchased, such number of volumes of the Magistrate's Guide, and Citizen's Counsellor, as