to the act, entitled. An act to authorise the levy court of Baltimore county to establish two additional ware-
houses in the city of Baltimore for the inspection of tobacco, endorsed, " will pass. " Ordered to be en-
The bill to grant to Caleb Johnson, Hezekiah Johnson and Richard Britton, an exclusive right to work and
use carding machines on the western shore of this state for the time therein limitted, the bill to lay out, open
and clear, a certain road in Somerset county, the bill respecting writs of error bonds, and the bill making provi-
sion for the dividing of certain lands in Kent county, were read the second time, passed, and sent to the senate
by the clerk.
The following resolution was rend the first and second time by especial order and assented to.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore pay unto Edward Roberts, the messenger to the court of
chancery, the sum of twenty-five dollars, as a compensation for his services for the last year.
The report of the committee on the petition of John C. Bond, of Harford county, was read the second time,
the resolutions therein contained assented to, and sent to the senate by the clerk.
The house, according to the order of the day, proceeded to the second reading of the bill for the regulation
of officers fees; on motion, the question was put, That the further consideration of the same be referred to the
next general assembly ? The yeas and nays being required, appeared as follow:
Gale, Stuart, Dickinson, Porter, Sturgis, Montgomery, Turpin, Yates,
Merriken, Parnham, Jackson, Van-Horn, Bishop, Forwood, Jump, Carroll,
Dorsey, Chapman, Cottman, Contee, Hawkins, Ayres, Stephen, Selby,
Higgins, Lemmon, Frazier, Muir, Waters, Holbrook, Bowles, Tomlinson,
Holland. Harryman, Smoot, Shaaff, Kuhn, Bayard, Smith, Rizer. 42.
R. Mackall, Lloyd,
Hebb, Scott, M'Pherson, Denny. Ward, Cleaves, Watts, Linthicum. 13.
Muter, Hurtt, Ogden, Hyland, Sudler,
So it was resolved in the affirmative.
On motion, That leave be given to bring in a bill, entitled, An act to reduce the legal fees of the officers of
this state ? The previous question was called for and put, That the said question be now put ? Determined in
the negative.
On motion, Leave given to bring in a bill, entitled. An act to confirm certain acts of magistrates who hold,
or have held, offices under the general government. ORDERED, That Mr. Montgomery, Mr. Forwood and Mr.
Scott, be a committee to prepare and bring in the same.
The following resolutions were read:
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore be and he is hereby authorised and directed to subscribe,
on the part of this state, for sixty-seven copies of the Landholder's Assistant and Land-Office Guide, now
compiling by John Kilty, and when the said work shall be completed to pay the amount thereof out of any un-
appropriated money in the treasury of the state.
RESOLVED, That the governor and council cause the said books to be transmitted to the several officers herein
after mentioned, viz. To each judge of the county courts, one copy; to each county clerk, for the use of the
court while in session, two copies; to the judge of the land office for the eastern shore, one copy; to the re-
gister of the land-office for the eastern shore, one copy; to each court of appeals, two copies; to the court of
chancery, one copy; to the clerk of the house of delegates, two copies, and to the clerk of the senate, two
copies, for the use of the general assembly.
On motion, the question was then put, Will the house suspend the sixteenth rule thereof ? The yeas and
nays being required, appeared as follow:
Plater, Dorsey, Chapman, Cottman, Shaaff, Forwood, Bayard, Smith,
Scott, Higgins, Lemmon, Smoot, Sudler, Ayres, Jump, Yates,
Hanson, Stuart, Harryman, Contee, Sturgis, Holbrook, Stephen, Rizer. 28.
Gale, M'Pherson, Lloyd, Muir,
Hebb, Parnham, Dickinson, Frazier, Van-Horn, Bowles, Selby, Linthicum,
Merriken, Ogden, Jackson, Ward, Bishop, Carroll, Watts, Tomlinson. 21.
R. Mackall, Denny, Hyland, Porter, Ellicott,
So it was resolved in the affirmative.
The house proceeded to the second reading of the said resolutions; on motion, the question was put, Will
the house assent to the same ? Determined in the negative.
ORDERED, That the bill for the encouragement of learning in this state have a second reading on to-
The following resolution was read the first and second time by especial order and assented to.
RESOLVED, That John Kilty be permitted by the keepers of the records of the late general court and court
of appeals to have access thereto, in order to take extracts or copies therefrom, to aid him in the compilation
of the work, entitled, The Landholders Assistant and Land-office Guide, and also to the said records after a
clerk shall be appointed.
The bill relative to the collection of the debts due to the state, was read the second time and passed.