place. His Lordfh. therefore intends, that all his Plan-
ters, fhall dwell together at the firft, at or as neere as may
be vnto St. Maries Towne, the feate now chofen for the
Colony: where his Lordfh. will affigne, and conveigh
vnto every fuch vndertaker as aforefaid, and his heires
for ever, a plot of ground fit for a houfe and garden, to
build vpon, and fo much land as neere vnto the Towne
as conveniently may bee (to plant Victuall vpon, and
fuch other things as he the faid vnder-taker fhall thinke
fitte) according to the proportion of fiue Acres of
Englifh meafure for euery man.
3 Thofe that are not willing to bee at the charge to
transport the forefaid number of men required for a
Mannor, and yet perhaps will be contented to bee at the
charge of a leffer number, they fhall haue affigned to
them and their heires for euer, the like proportion of
land, in, and about the Towne, according to the number
of their men as aforefaid; and a 100. Acres more for
each man, allotted to them in fome convenient place of
the Province, as others haue, and be made Free-holders
to hold of his Lordfh. paying a yearely quit rent of 20.
pound weight of wheate, for every fuch 100. Acres.
4 If any man fhall bee vnwilling, to trouble himfelfe
with providing fuch men and their neceffaries, as afore-
faid, and yet are defirous to imploy fome money vpon
this Plantation; if they fignifie fuch their defire, accor-
ding to the time and place, here-vnder prefixed: they
fhall haue directions to difpofe their money, in fuch a
way, as fhall giue them content, whereby they may haue
the advantage of the former conditions, according to
the proportion of the money they adventure.
5 Whatfoeuer Adventurers fhall carry, or fend over